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  Ivy: Now that my stomach is almost recovered from that 1)ordeal last night, what should we do today?
  Andrew: We could do a little shopping, ①take a
through one of the parks, or maybe check out a temple or two?Ivy: Yeah, why don’t we hit some of the sights?
  Andrew: OK, well right this way then. ②Let’t 3)hop on the bus.
  (A few minutes later, the bus arrives.)
  Ivy: Geeze, this bus stop is really crowded. Is it always like this?We’re going to have to fight to get seats.
  Andrew: Oh, no. This is nothing compared to rush hour.
  (Someone gets off and a seat opens up.)
  Ivy:Hey! Stop shoving!That little old lady just pushed me!
  Andrew: You’re too slow, you need to be like a hawk, as soon as you spot an open seat, you have to 4)swoop in and grab it.
  Ivy: Here certainly ③keeps you on your toes.
  Andrew: Here’t our stop, hurry up and get off.
  Ivy: OK great. Let’t see if we can find some 5)souvenirs for my friends back in the States.
  Andrew: ④Take your time and look around, remember that salesmen here expect you to bargain.
  Ivy: Wow! Look at this strange little 6)gadget with flashing lights and a 7)siren.I抳e got to have it!How much?
  Salesman: A special price for you, my friend, 100 kuai.
  Ivy: That’t only?2 dollars!I’ll take it!
  Andrew: What did I tell you about bargaining!
  ⑤You just got totally ripped off!
  Ivy: But it was so cheap! And didn’t he say it was a special price?Andrew: They say that to everybody.What did you buy anyway? What is this piece of crap?
  Ivy: I’m not sure. He started talking, I saw the flashing lights, and I don’t know what happened.I felt like I was 8)hypnotized or something, I had to have it.
  Andrew: You Americans are all the same.Any one of these guys could probably ⑥sell you snow in a 9)blizzard!
  Ivy: Alright, I admit it.⑦I got hosed.You don’t have to keep rubbing it in.Next time I’ll be more careful.
  Andrew: Don’t worry about it.It happens to everyone the first time.
  Ivy :现在我的胃基本上从昨天晚上的折磨中恢复过来了。今天我们打算干什么?
  Andrew :我们可以逛逛街买点东西,去公园散散步,或者参观一两间寺庙……
  Andrew :好吧,那么走这边吧,我们去坐公交车。
  Andrew :哦,不用吧。现在同交通高峰期比起来根本就不算什么。
  Ivy :嘿!别推我!这小老太刚才在推我!
  Andrew :你的速度太慢了。只要你遇到了一个空座位,你要像鹰一样扑过去占住它。
  Ivy :这里真是让你时刻不能放松啊。
  Andrew :我们到站了,快点下车吧。
  Andrew :不用着急,到处逛逛吧。别忘了在这里买东西是可以讨价还价的。
  Ivy :噢!你看那个会发光作响的奇怪的小玩意儿。我要买那个!多少钱一个?
  Salesman :特价给你吧,朋友,100块一个。
  Ivy :那只要……12美元!我要买一个!
  Andrew :我不是跟你说过要讲价吗?你被宰了!
  Ivy :但是这个很便宜啊!而且他不是说是特价吗……
  Andrew :他们对每个人都这么说。你到底买了什么?这是什么破东西?
  Ivy :我不太清楚啊。他一直在那里讲,我只顾着看这些闪光,我也不知道发生了什么事情。我觉得我好像被催眠了之类的,好像非买不可一样。
  Andrew :你们美国人都是一个样的。这些人随便哪一个都可能在大雪天卖雪给你。
  Andrew :算了吧,每个人刚开始都会发生这种事情的。

  Smart Sentences
  ①take a stroll
  stroll: 散步,溜达(walk in a slow and relaxed way)。可作名词,如:take a stroll或have a stroll;也可作动词,例如:
  Let’t stroll along the beach after dinner.
  ②let’t hop on the bus.
  hop on: 跳上汽车等,强调动作的快速(get on a vehicle by jumping, emphasizing it’t done suddenly and quickly),例如 :
  Once we saw the bus, we hopped on board.
  ③keeps you on your toes
  keep sb. on his toes: 让某人保持警觉,不能放松,时刻准备着(sth. causes you to remain alert and ready for things might happen),例如:
  His campaign tactics were to keep his rivals on their toes.
  ④take your time
  告诉对方不用匆匆忙忙(do things quite slowly with no need to hurry),可单独成句,也可作一个完整句子的谓语动词,例如:
  He took his time packing.
  ⑤You just got totally ripped off!
  rip off: 欺诈,敲竹杠,“宰人”(cheat sb. by charging too much money or sell sb. sth. that is not at good quality),rip-off是其名词形式。例如:
  They ripped the tourists off at that shop.
  ⑥sell you snow in a blizzard
  向人推销别人明显不需要的东西,指成心欺骗(sell sb. sth. that is obviously not needed; cheating),例如:
  You want to sell me roses knowing I’m a gardener? It’t like selling snow in a blizzard.
  ⑦I got hosed.
  get hosed: 被痛打,被打垮(defeated badly),多指输得很惨,例如:
  I got hosed again in the speech competition last week.
题记:每年6月都是个离别的季节。一批一批的毕业生,在鲜花灿烂中绽放着笑容、纷飞着眼泪。那些花,那些笑容,那些分不出是苦是甜的眼泪,都记录着我们成长的每一个脚印。    明天的毕业典礼几点开始?  What time is the graduation ceremony tomorrow?  你记得在彩排的时候他们怎么说的吗?我们早上7点钟就得到那儿,典礼8点钟开始。  Remember what
六月,阳光灿烂。又是一年毕业时分。你是否还记得,那年那月发生的故事,还有回忆里永远不会忘却的那些人。这一期的Life Talk, Molly为我们讲述了四段发生在毕业时分的对话。不管怎样,那时所经历的一切都会永远留存在你我记忆的深处。
编者记 :采访柳楯之前我做了功课,结果让我很震惊 :这个年轻人的履历简直无可挑剔,他俨然就是时下“精英”的完美诠释。他中学时参加中央电视台第四届“希望之星”英语风采大赛获优胜奖 ;他是第一个因为书法特长被保送的学生,并且成为湖南省书法家协会最年轻的会员 ;他就读法语专业,却在第十二届“21世纪·联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖的好成绩……某个温暖的夏日午后,他接受了《疯狂英语口语版》的采访,面
(Back at the office in America)  Ivy: Hey Jim, how’s it going? Long time no see!  Jim: How was your trip?  Ivy: Man, ①it sucks to be back in America.China was so awesome!  Jim: Tell me about it! What
夏日阵雨 谢尔逊    A drop fell on the apple tree,   Another on the roof;   A half a dozen kissed the eaves,  And made the 1)gables laugh.    A few went out to help the brook,  That went to help the sea.  Mys
毕业典礼的欢笑眼泪都装进相框,日子却还要继续。鼓起勇气向未来走去,或者我们也能跟徐志摩一般:“挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩”。    Get interview appointments    你毕业后打算干什么?  Any idea what you’ll be doing after graduation?  下周我有三个面试。  I’ve got three job interviews li
七月,一定是一个适合放飞心情的季节。可不是吗,你看众多的人选择了在路上体味不一样的生活,正如我们马上会看到这个可爱的美国女孩Ivy,也勇敢地开始了她的中国美食之旅。几分“可怜”,几分搞笑,一个可爱女孩的形象栩栩如生地展现在我们面前。 Ivy还有几句话要对想来中国的“老外”们讲哦,那就是一定要提前做足功课,这样才能体会到中国博大精深美食文化的精髓!    懒人出游记  [CD Track 5 / M
人在职场,工作变动是不可避免的,很多人认为辞职是一件很难说出口的尴尬事情。其实,大可不必,这期的Business Talk就一起来看看—如何“完美离职”。    嗯……既然已经想好了,就不要再犹豫了。写封得体的辞职信不但是许多公司的要求,也会让你在临走前给领导留下良好的印象哦!    (一)Letter of Resignation 辞职信    Sample Resignation Letter
From the movie Pirates of the Caribbean枛Dead Man’t Chest  选自电影《加勒比海盗2 :聚魂棺》    剧情简介:“黑珍珠号”船长杰克·斯帕罗(Jack Sparrow)发现自己原来欠下幽冥飞船船长--“深海阎王”戴维·琼斯(Davy Jones)一笔血债。随着时间的流逝,杰克意识到必须找到一条正确的还债之路,否则他将会受到无休止的诅咒,并将在
“come”是我们很熟悉的动词,它后面可以搭配很多不同的介词、副词。今天,我们就一起来学习“come”的几种最基本最常用的搭配。    Come on  ①进展;进步  To make progress; to improve; to grow  e.g. How are things coming on?  情况进展如何?  ②用于祈使句中,表达鼓励、催促、要求等  Used in impera