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这是休宁县文教局今年四月组织全县中学生下乡劳动后写给我们的文章。目前各地正在组织学生下乡参加“三秋”劳动,特将这篇文章发表,供大家参考。 休宁县文教局在组织学生下乡劳动的过程中,自始至终注意抓思想工作,注意抓活思想,针对存在问题,采取多种形式,进行思想教育,因而取得了劳动、思想双丰收。我们认为这样的做法很好。 休宁县文教局组织学生下乡劳动的办法是由学校统一组织,集体下乡上山。这样傲有利于集中进行思想教育,有利于培养学生的集体主义与共产主义精神。但各地也可以根据当地情况,采取适当办法,组织学生下乡劳动。我们认为可以由学校统一组织学生集体下乡参加集体生产劳动,也可以采取学校统一组织与学生分散回乡相结合的办法。如家住城市的学生由学校统一组织集体下乡,家在农村的学生,特别是一些家庭缺乏劳动力的贫农、下中农成分的学生,让他们回乡参加集体生产。无论采取怎样的办法,都要拟订出切实有效的措施,使学生通过劳动受到思想教育和劳动锻炼,把生产劳动和思想教育结合起来。这是休宁县文教局今年四月组织全县中学生下乡劳动后写给我们的文章。目前各地正在组织学生下乡参加“三秋”劳动,特将这篇文章发表,供大家参考。 休宁县文教局在组织学生下乡劳动的过程中,自始至终注意抓 This is Xiuning County Bureau of Education organized in April this year, the county secondary school students wrote to us after the labor. At present, students are being organized to go to the countryside to participate in the “Three Autumn” work. This article will be published for your reference. Xiuning County Cultural and Educational Bureau in the process of organizing the work of students to the countryside, pay attention to grasp the ideological work, pay attention to grasping the live idea, according to the existing problems, take various forms, carry out ideological education, which has made a double harvest of ideas. We think this is a good approach. Xiuning County Cultural Education Bureau to organize students to work in the countryside by the school unified organization, collective go to the countryside. Such pride helps to focus ideological education and is conducive to cultivating students’ collectivism and communism. However, various localities may also take appropriate measures according to local conditions to organize students to work in the countryside. We think that it is possible for the students in the school to organize collectives to go to the countryside collectively for collective work or to adopt a combination of the school uniform organization and students’ decentralization and return to their hometowns. For example, students who live in the cities go to the countryside collectively by the school unified organization. Students in the rural areas, especially some poor and poor laborers and families of middle-aged peasants who belong to families, will be allowed to return to their hometowns to participate in collective production. No matter what kind of measures are taken, effective measures must be worked out to enable students to receive ideological education and work-training through their work and combine productive labor with ideological education. This is Xiuning County Bureau of Education organized in April this year, the county secondary school students wrote to us after the labor. At present, students are being organized to go to the countryside to participate in the “Three Autumn” work. This article will be published for your reference. Xiuning County Cultural Education Bureau in the process of organizing the work of students to the countryside, pay attention to catch
概 况 我市首条刚性路面系四化西路,长980m,宽20m。设计交通量换算黄河JN—150为372辆/日。路幅布置为中间机动车道12m,两侧非机动车道各3m,机动车道与非机动车道间各设1m花
一、游戏概述  (一)游戏说明  1.游戏名称  《穿越火线》  2.适宜班级  大班  (二)教育目标  1.练习身体着地匍匐前进的动作,发展幼儿的协调能力,体验合作游戏的快乐。  2.探索翻越的技巧,掌握助跑起跳、原地起跳并翻越障碍物的技能。  3.体验作为士兵的自豪感,增强参与游戏的积极性。  二、设备和材料  (一)主体材料  三阶翻越  (二)辅助材料  椅子、绳子、爬行垫  三、游戏案
目的:了解南京市数十家医疗单位的临床用血质量控制状况,为预防采供血途径感染HIV/AIDS 提供依据. 方法:从国家《艾滋病综合防治数据信息系统》中下载南京市报告的截止201
◆摘 要:跳绳运动属于我国民间传统的一项体育运动项目,这项运动具有非常广泛的群众基础。因为此项运动具有用就显得方便、运动功效高等诸多优点,因此这项运动已经被纳入到《国家中小学体质健康标准》中所规定的体育测试项目,中小学体育花样跳绳教学要有效实施,可以有效提升中小学学生的身心健康,与促进学生的全面发展具有重要的积极意义。  ◆关键词:中小学;体育;花样跳绳;教学;实施策略  中小学生良好的身体素质应