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美国专利US5944923本发明推荐一种加工能力十分好的铝合金板材,其成分(质量分数,%)如下:0.9~1.3Si、0.4~0.6Mg、0.05~0.15Mn、0.01~0.1Ti、〈0.2Fe、0.1Cu。用于模锻润滑的板材表面涂层(0.05~40μm)含有60-90%水弥散聚氨树脂、5~20%硅化合物质点、5~30%天然黄蜡润滑剂及其它诸多成分。合金表面经180℃烘干1h之后,其屈服强度为≥200MPa。板材的生产方法包括:铸锭均匀化处理、热轧和冷轧、蚀洗加工、涂润滑涂层及板材热烘干。 US patent US5944923 The present invention provides a very good processing capacity of aluminum alloy sheet, the composition (mass fraction,%) are as follows: 0.9 ~ 1.3Si, 0.4 ~ 0.6Mg, 0.05 ~ 0.15Mn, 0.01 ~ 0.1Ti, <0.2Fe , 0.1Cu. The surface coating (0.05 ~ 40μm) for die-forging lubricants contains 60-90% water dispersible polyurethane resin, 5-20% silicon compound particles, 5-30% natural yellow wax lubricant and many others. The alloy surface after 180 ℃ drying 1h, the yield strength of ≥ 200MPa. Plate production methods include: homogenization of ingots, hot and cold rolling, etching, lubrication coating and sheet drying.
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