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果树的枝干,常因遇上周期性大冻害和突然降温而受到不同程度的冻害。特别是果树枝杆容易发生严重冻害,一般是木质部受害最重在早春或晚秋。气温突然降到0℃以下时,形成层即发生冻害,皮层易剥离,形成层呈黑褐色。严重时树皮暴裂。枝干枯死。果树枝干受冻害后,要详细调查,了解受害程度,确定治疗方法。一、固皮保温。果树的木质部受害较重,而形成层冻害较轻或无损害,树可慢慢恢复生长,但必须将松离的皮层尽快用钉子订在原处,如根际处皮层裂开,可用塑料布条包扎,再行培土于3月中、下旬、将土扒开、解除塑料扎条,易于皮层愈合。恢复树体生机。二、切皮搭桥由于冻害,皮层已明显死亡的 Fruit tree branches, often due to periodic freeze-off and sudden cooling are subject to varying degrees of frost damage. In particular, the branches of fruit trees are prone to severe frost damage, which is generally the heaviest damage to the xylem in early spring or late autumn. Temperature suddenly dropped below 0 ℃, the formation of the layer that occurs frost damage, easy to peel the skin, the formation of dark brown layer. Severe bark burst. Dry branches. After the fruit tree branches are frostbite, it is necessary to conduct a detailed investigation to understand the degree of victimization and determine the treatment method. First, the skin insulation. Fruit tree xylem damage, and the formation of frost damage less damage or damage, the tree can slowly restore growth, but must be released from the cortex as soon as possible with a nail in place, such as the cortex at the root of the crack, available plastic cloth Bandaging, and then soil cultivation in March, late, the soil paving open, lifting the plastic bar, easy to cortical healing. Resume tree vitality. Second, Cutaneous bypass due to frostbite, the cortex has been significantly killed
  Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of differentiating into multiple cell types.Cell therapy using MSCs has been applied in treati
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原著标题:On a form of cronic inflammation of bones(osteitis deformans).刊载杂志:Med.Chir.Trans,1877,60:37-64.原著作者:Paget James(1814-1899)伦敦皇家医学院Bar-th