Applications of Pattern Recognition in Drug Discovery

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sea0972
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This is a brief account of the plenary talk given to the meeting of the Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology held in Oxford on 6 October 2001. The talk covered the application of pattern recognition techniques to discover molecules which will bind to the binding sites of proteins. Three situations were considered: the structure of the protein being unknown; the structure known but the binding site unknown; and finally, and this is the most important case for the future, both the structure and nature of the target site available in atomic detail. For this case we have developed a massively distributed computer program using a screensaver which now involves over one million personal computers, including over a thousand in China. The project will involve the screening of 3 5 billion small molecules against 16 protein targets, all of which are implicated in the process of cancer. This is a brief account of the plenary talk given to the meeting of the Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology held in Oxford on 6 October 2001. The talk of the application of pattern recognition techniques to discover molecules which will bind to the binding sites of the structure of the protein is unknown; the structure known but the binding site unknown; and finally this and the most important case for the future, both the structure and nature of the target site available in atomic For this case we have developed a massively distributed computer program using a screensaver which now involves over one million personal computers, including over a thousand in China. The project will involve the screening of 3 5 billion small molecules against 16 protein targets, all of which are implicated in the process of cancer.
我,一个典型的80后。2004年走出校门,便踏上了统计的梦田。如今已在统计战线上工作近十载的我,从共青团员成长为共产党员;从事业编制过渡为公务员;从普通科员走上副科级领导岗位;从懵懂少年到成家立业。十年间,统计见证着我的成长,圆了我的梦。  信仰之梦  2006年初,北京市大兴区统计局团支部换届选举,我有幸担任团支部的组织委员,那时候的团员还不足10人。2007年,由于大兴统计局、调查队(简称大兴
石碧 男 39岁。1982年在四川联合大学高分子材料系皮革专业获学士学位,1986年和1992年在该校皮革工程系获硕士和博士学位。现任四川联合大学皮革工程系教授、博士研究生导师
目的:通过分析乳腺癌病例的住院费用,了解乳腺癌患者住院费用情况及主要影响因素,为合理控制医疗费用过快增长提出建议。方法:收集南通市两家医院2004~2009年的2 020份有效病
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俞荣华先生今年76岁了,为宣传和普及摩托车使用与维修知识,已安全驾驶摩托车56年,为无数群众做了大量好事。 Mr. Yu Ronghua is 76 years old. He has safely ridden motor