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糖尿病患者有无糖尿病眼病病变 ,常常需要眼科医生通过瞳孔使用某些仪器获得视网膜图象以便于诊断和指导治疗。现在新技术和先进设备的研制有可能改善和提高原有的诊断方式 ,为进一步了解和揭示糖尿病眼病发病机制和早期预防糖尿病眼病的发生带来了希望。本期将简要介绍有关糖 Diabetic patients with or without diabetic eye disease often require ophthalmologists to obtain retina images through the pupil using certain instruments to facilitate diagnosis and treatment. Now the development of new technologies and advanced equipment is likely to improve and improve the original diagnosis, in order to further understand and reveal the pathogenesis of diabetic eye disease and early prevention of diabetic eye disease has brought hope. This issue will briefly introduce the related sugar
A new manganese coordination polymer 1, [Mn(H2O)4(L)]n(ClO4)2n·2nH2O·3nL (L = 2,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-3,4-diaza-2,4-hexadiene), has been synthesized and structural
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Most overseas tourists to Beijing are interested in watching Peking Opera.The Liyuan Theater, located in Qianmen Hotel in southern Beijing, is the only theater
The calculations presented in this paper are based on the Sanchez-Lacombe(SL)lattice fluid theory.The interaction energy parameter,g12/k,required in this approa
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