A refinement of scaling laws in wall turbulence

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baikubk258
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As a universal conclusion of turbulent scale, scaling laws are important to the research on statistic turbulence. We measured two-dimensional instantaneous velocity field in turbulent boundary layers of flat plate with the momentum thickness Reynolds number Reθ=2 167. Scaling laws have different forms in different wall distance and scale. We proposed an expected scaling law and compared it with the She-Leveque (SL) scaling law based on the wavelet analysis and traditional statistical methods. Results show that the closer to the wall, the more the expected scaling law approached to the SL scaling law. As a universal conclusion of turbulent scale, scaling laws are important to the research on statistic turbulence. We measured two-dimensional instantaneous velocity field in turbulent boundary layers of flat plate with the momentum thickness Reynolds number Reθ = 2 167. Scaling laws have different forms in different wall distance and scale. We proposed an expected scaling law and compared it with the She-Leveque (SL) scaling law based on the wavelet analysis and the traditional statistical methods. Results show that the closer to the wall, the more the expected scaling law approached to the SL scaling law.
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