Transport Properties of LCMO Granular Films Deposited by the Pulsed Electron Deposition Technique

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengscc
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By finely controlling the deposition parameters in the pulsed electron deposition process, granular La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3 (LCMO) film was grown on silicon substrates. The substrate temperature, ambient pressure in the deposition chamber and acceleration potential for the electron beam were all found to affect the grain size of the film, resulting in different morphologies of the samples. Transport properties of the obtained granular films, especially the magnetoresistance (MR), were studied. Prominent low-field MR was observed in all samples, indicating the forming of grain boundaries in the sample. The low-field MR show great sensitive to the morphology evolution, which reaches the highest value of about 40% for the sample with the grain size of about 250 nm. More interestingly, positive-MR (p-MR) was also detected above 300 K when low magnetic field applying, whereas it disappeared with higher magnetic field applied up to 1.5 and 2 Tesla. Instead of the spin- polarized tunneling process being commonly regarded as a responsible reason, lattice mismatch between LCMO film and silicon substrate appears to be the origin of the p-MR By finely controlling the deposition parameters in the pulsed electron deposition process, granular La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3 (LCMO) film was grown on silicon substrates. The substrate temperature, ambient pressure in the deposition chamber and acceleration potential for the electron beam were all found to affect the grain size of the film, resulting in different morphologies of the samples. Transfer properties of the obtained granular films, especially the magnetoresistance (MR), were studied. Prominent low-field MR was observed in all samples, indicating the forming of grain boundaries in the sample. The low-field MR show great sensitive to the morphology evolution, which reaches the highest value of about 40% for the sample with the grain size of about 250 nm. (p-MR) was also detected above 300 K when low magnetic field applying, and it it disappeared with higher magnetic field applied up to 1.5 and 2 Tesla. Instead of the spin-polarized tunneling proces s is generally regarded as a responsible reason, lattice mismatch between LCMO film and silicon substrate appears to be the origin of the p-MR
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