
来源 :大理民族文化研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vitaminchina
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僰人是我国古代活动于西南地区的主要民族群体。从僰道(四川宜宾)沿朱提江而上,经盐津豆沙关直达朱提(昭通平原)的千顷池是僰人主要聚居区,僰人曾在这里建立过具有高度文明的僰侯国,产生过雄才大略的名王杜宇,僰人的政治、经济、文化对川、滇、黔三地的远古文明具有不可低估的先导作用。三代之前,僰人的先民被称为濮,生息繁衍于以河南濮阳为中心的濮水流域,是夏族的重要支系,政治上的主要支持者和盟友。商代初,政治上受到严重打击,被迫南迁,西周时期广泛分布于江、汉流域,为周人的南方盟友。春秋时期,与楚人失和,在荆楚的打击下,沿长江而上以至朱提江流域,在这里建立过僰侯国。被人称为僰人,后世称为僰儿子,留下了极具民族特色的悬棺葬。战国以迄秦、汉,逐渐向滇中、滇西转移,隋、唐以后与土著之民不断融合,被称为白蛮、白人,发展为元代至今的白族。根据史籍记载,濮、僰、白三个名称是一音之转,而且标志着一个民族的不 Kui is the ancient Chinese people in the southwest region’s major ethnic groups. From Mi Tao Road (Yibin, Sichuan) along the Zhuti River, the 1000-hectare pond that passes through Yanjin Doushaguan to Zhuti (Zhaotong Plain) is the main enclave. People here once established the highly civilized Houhou The political, economic, and cultural king who gave birth to a great leader Wang Duyu and his native people can not underestimate the ancient civilization of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. Three generations ago, the ancestors of people were called Pu. They lived and grew up in the Pu River Basin centered around Puyang, Henan Province. They were the important clans of the Xia clan and their major political supporters and allies. In the early period of the Shang Dynasty, it was politically severely hit and forced to move southward. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was widely distributed in the river valley and the Han River, and became a southern alliance of Zhou people. Spring and Autumn Period, and the Chu lost, under the attack of Jing Chu, along the Yangtze River and the Zhu Tijiang River Basin, where the establishment of Wei Hou country. Known as Xiong people, later known as Xun son, leaving a very ethnic characteristics of the coffin. Since the Warring States to Qin, Han, gradually transferred to Yunnan, western Yunnan, Sui, Tang and indigenous people continue to integrate, known as the white man, white, developed into the Bai Yuan Dynasty since the Yuan Dynasty. According to historical records, Pu, Sui, Bai is the name of the three sound transfer, but also marks a nation’s
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