Preparation of a novel composite electrode based on N-doped TiO_2-coated Na Y zeolite membrane and i

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:khalista6
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For the first time the preparation of the N-doped TiO_2-coated NaY zeolite membrane(N-doped TiO_2/NaY zeolite membrane) as an electrode material for photoelectrocatalysis has been achieved and reported.The XRD, SEM, UV–vis and XPS techniques were used to characterize the structure of the N-doped TiO_2/NaY zeolite membrane. The results verified that the surface of the N-doped TiO_2/NaY zeolite membrane was coated by TiO_2 nanoparticles of ca. 20 nm size and exhibited a distinct red-shift in the UV–vis spectra compared to N-doped TiO_2. The photoelectrocatalysis performance of the N-doped TiO_2/NaY zeolite membrane electrode was evaluated by phenol degradation. The results revealed it is a promising novel electrode material for application of photoelectrocatalysis in the removal of organic contaminants in waste water. For the first time the preparation of the N-doped TiO 2-coated NaY zeolite membrane (N-doped TiO 2 / NaY zeolite membrane) as an electrode material for photoelectrocatalysis has been and reported. XRD, SEM, UV-vis and XPS techniques were used to characterize the structure of the N-doped TiO 2 / NaY zeolite membrane. The results verified that the surface of the N-doped TiO 2 / NaY zeolite membrane was coated by TiO_2 nanoparticles of ca. 20 nm size and exhibited a distinct red- shift in the UV-vis spectra compared to N-doped TiO_2. The photoelectrocatalysis performance of the N-doped TiO_2 / NaY zeolite membrane electrode was evaluated by phenol degradation. The results reveal it is promising nano-electrode material for application of photoelectrocatalysis in the removal of organic contaminants in waste water.
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