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The Inteational Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions (IWND2012) was held in Shenzhen,China,Dec.16-19th,2012.This is the 3rd edition of this series workshop.The 1st one was held in Beijing,2007 and the 2nd was in Shanghai,2009.The purpose of the series workshop is to exchange information with inteational and domestic experts on nuclear dynamics and to focus on some current hot topics in this field.More than 80 physicists from 30 institutions participated in 2012 workshop and 42 of them gave talks which covered a large variety of hot topics,including nuclear reaction dynamics and isospin effected in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate and high energies,the equation of state of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter and many-body approaches,especially the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy and the structure of neutron stars,the phase transition of strongly interacting matter,especially the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition and the QCD deconfinement transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma,and reaction mechanism for synthesis of superheavy elements.These talks demonstrated that significant progress had been made in recent years both experimentally and theoretically while there were still a number of questions remaining open in the field.Furthermore,active and fruitful discussions were made on the experimental opportunities in some large-scale scientific facilities and possible inteational collaborations in these areas.
目的 探讨中药保留灌肠联合理疗治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床效果.方法 本次研究选取的观察对象为2016.7-2018.7期间来我院进行治疗的240例慢性盆腔炎患者,按照治疗方法的不同进行分
目的 探究综合护理服务在ICU护理中对预防呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的临床价值.方法 抽选2017年2月——2019年11月于我院进行治疗的70例ICU患者作为研究病例,将实施ICU传统护理
摘 要:在近年来发生的群体事件中,青少年参与度较高成为一个亟待关注和解决的问题。青少年参与群体事件主要是基于冲动心理、从众心理、责不罚众心理。从德育角度分析,学校德育的虚化、家庭德育的误区、社会德育的缺失是重要原因。这要求德育实践在理念上注重规范性与发展性相结合、内容上注重法治理念和心理咨询、责任主体上注重全员育人、场域上注重拓展和优化、方式上注重生活化和参与式;也要求德育理论作出回应,即树立新取
目的 分析对ICU患者实施护理干预对其睡眠质量以及负面情绪的改善效果及对护理质量的评价.方法 选取我院ICU收治的患者作为此次的观察对象,共计72例,均为2018年4月至2019年3