Effect of ageing on colonic mucosal regeneration

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunyuan
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The physiologic and pathologic cellular and molecular changes occurring with age in the human colon affect both the inflammatory process leading to mucosal injury and the regenerative capacity of the epithelium.On the one hand,age-related telomere shortening and inflamm-ageing may lead to the development of colonic inflammation,which results in epithelial damage.On the other hand,the altered migration and function of regenerative stem cells,the age-related methylation of mucosal healing-associated genes,together with the alterations of growth factor signaling with age,may be involved in delayed mucosal regeneration.The connections of these alterations to the process of ageing are not fully known.The understanding and customtailored modification of these mechanisms are of great clinical importance with regard to disease prevention and modern therapeutic strategies.Here,we aim to summarize the age-related microscopic and molecular changes of the human colon,as well as their role in altered mucosal healing. The physiologic and pathologic cellular and molecular changes occurring with age in the human colon affect both the inflammatory process leading to mucosal injury and the regenerative capacity of the epithelium. On the one hand, age-related telomere shortening and inflamm-aging may lead to the development of colonic inflammation, which results in epithelial damage. On the other hand, the altered migration and function of regenerative stem cells, the age-related methylation of mucosal healing-associated genes, together with the alterations of growth factor signaling with age, may be involved in delayed mucosal regeneration.The connections of these alterations to the process of aging are not fully known.The understanding and custom tailored modification of these mechanisms are of great clinical importance with regard to disease prevention and modern therapeutic strategies. Here, we aim to summarize the age-related microscopic and molecular changes of the human colon, as well as their role in alter ed mucosal healing.
一个城市突然静默,  一种莫名的病毒带给它迷茫和难堪,  病毒猖狂,肆无忌惮,  从一切可能传播的渠道,  使几乎所有的城市与之有染。  这个城市叫武汉,  整整一个中国式的春节长假,  听到这个病毒名称的所有人,  被它吓出一身冷汗。  一时间,武汉的城门不得不关,  人们被捂进一个阴冷的闷罐  突然被按下暂停键的武汉,  一首刚刚奏响的《春节序曲》,  不知是长久还是短暂?  武汉的街头,清冷
庚子岁的新年  呼出的每口气都疼  武汉和我  心贴着心 肺牵着肺  这个掉在炭火中的城  让我从除夕夜到初一的早晨  彻底难眠  黎明前的原野  天空板着灰色之脸  我从尘封的时间与空间里逃向  一条通往天际的田间小径  铺天盖地的油菜  葉脉如苍生之肺  绿色的生命汁液纵横大地  和武汉人一起在寒风中  裹紧衣襟死守了一夜的香火  为肺祈祷  季节的腰身开始伸展  地上的和躲藏在地底下的显身 
本文重点分析了我国高职英语公公基础课教学活动改革的必然性和紧迫性,同时提出了具体的改革措施。 This paper analyzes the inevitability and urgency of the reform of
中国美术家协会第二届中国画艺术委员会成立大会于1999年5月8日至9日在景色秀丽的文化古城苏州隆重召开。 江苏省委宣传部副部长许洪祥,苏州市人大常委会主任、市委副书记黄