
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zb_lion
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6月4日至5日,国家税务总局党组书记、局长谢旭人带领国家税务总局办公厅、流转税司、征管司和计算机信息中心等部门负责人到深圳市调研。 谢局长一行风尘仆仆,一到深圳,就深入基层调研。6月4日,他们来到罗湖区国税局视察CTAIS及金税工程运行情况,观看“一窗式”管理模式 From June 4 to June 5, party secretary and director Xie Xuren of the State Administration of Taxation led the heads of the State Administration of Taxation, the Turnover Tax Division, the Administration Department and the Computer Information Center to conduct research in Shenzhen. Mr. Xie and his entourage are quick and easy, and when they come to Shenzhen, they conduct in-depth research at the grassroots level. On June 4, they came to inspect the operation of CTAIS and Golden Tax Project in the IRS of Luohu District and watched the “one-window” management mode
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一、症状诊断枸杞瘿螨是由肉眼看不见的瘿螨科害螨危害所致。主要危害叶片 ,嫩叶较老叶重 ,叶片受害后 ,害螨钻入叶片组织形成虫瘿 ,初为近圆形黄绿色隆起小点 ,后渐变为直径
Objective:To investigate the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities along with phytochemical screening of organic and aqueous extracts of leaf and st
从7月1日起,全国统一停止使用手工版增值税专用发票,所有增值税一般纳税人必须使用防伪税控系统开具的电脑版增值税专用发票,没有购置防伪税控系统设备的纳税人怎么办? From
分别用液—液分配法和柱层析法对珠芽尖距紫堇 Corydalis sheareri全株的氯仿粗提物进行了分离 ,以求获得对甘蓝害虫有拒食活性的物质。液—液分配法中 ,苯提取物的拒食活性
Objective:To investigate antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of crude extract from Ipomoea involucrata leaves(Convolvulaceae) in mice and rats.Meth
[Objective] To induce the callus from P.cuspidatum leaves and to determine the content of resveratrol.[Method] P.cuspidatum leaves as tissue culture materials w