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杰西·杰克逊和巴拉克·奥巴马是两位不同时代的美国黑人政治领袖,透析二人的不同经历可以反映出美国社会和黑人社会地位的深刻变迁。成长于民权运动时代的杰克逊,强调民权,挑战现有体制,强调抗争和种族政治。成长于后民权时代的奥巴马受益于民权运动,推崇美国主流价值观,强调黑人的自律自救,主张走治愈、融合之路。通过分析杰克逊和奥巴马这两代黑人政治领袖的差异,给我们研究黑人在美国社会地位带来的启示在于:街头抗争和挑战现有体制的传统做法已经失去合法性;不同的利益诉求导致黑人内部的分歧越来越大,将使黑人群体内部产生严重的隔阂。 Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama are the African-American political leaders of two different eras. The different experiences of analyzing two people can reflect the profound changes in the social status of American society and black society. Jackson, who grew up in the era of civil rights, emphasized civil rights, challenging existing institutions and emphasizing resistance and racial politics. Growing up in the post-civil rights era, Obama benefited from the civil rights movement, espoused the mainstream values ​​of the United States, emphasized the self-help and self-help of blacks and advocated healing and integration. By analyzing the differences between the two generations of black political leaders, Jackson and Obama, the implications for us in studying the social status of blacks in the United States lie in the fact that the traditional ways of street protests and challenges to the existing system have lost their legitimacy; that different interests have led to internal blacks The growing divergence will create serious barriers within the black population.
水能载舟,亦能煮粥,万事万物离不开水。水润物而无声。时光荏苒,水日渐浑浊,被滋养的生灵却日渐茁壮。 Water can carry boats, can also porridge, everything can not do
冬这个季节,在很多人眼里就是冷、绝望的代名词,以致有人谈“冬”色变。但在我的眼里,冬天是别有韵味的。远离世人的判断,带着客观 Winter this season, in the eyes of man
已是深秋,踏着悠游的步履来到丽江,见到了那条蜿蜒的茶马古道。它并无西湖的美艳,也无江南水乡的柔丽,却留下了那些深浅不同的足印,还有那寂寞 It is late autumn, walking