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西安歌舞剧团根据著名诗人阮章竞长诗《金色的海螺》改编的同名舞剧,经过一年来的精心修改,最近在西安再次公演,受到了好评,誉为西安戏剧舞台上又一朵鲜艳俏丽的舞剧之花。这部舞剧的特点之一是,故事娓娓动听,新奇令人神往:时而海边相爱,倾吐衷情;时而珊瑚仙岛,水晶宫内;时而草屋变金堂,姑娘变成老太婆,场场有戏,波澜起伏。第二个特点是,舞和剧和谐统一,既有场面性情绪舞,又有戏剧色彩,表现手法大 Xi’an Song and Dance Troupe, based on the famous poem “Golden Conch,” adapted from the same poem by the famous poem “Golden Conch”, has been recently re-performed in Xi’an after a year of careful rehearsal and has been well received as another colorful dance drama on the stage of Xi’an drama flower. One of the characteristics of this dance drama, the story sounds appealing, novel fascinating: sometimes the love of the seaside, pour heartthrob; sometimes coral, the island of Crystal Palace; sometimes thatched cottage Jinjintang, the girl becomes an old woman, playing field, ups and downs . The second characteristic is that the dance and drama harmonious unity, both the scene of emotional dance, but also dramatic colors, the performance of large
博州党委、州人民政府和农五师司令部最近联合发出通知,要求各县、各团场认真学习、宣传、贯彻《森林法》。 通知说,十一届三中全会以来,随着党中央林业政策的调整和进一步放
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