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对秘书部门日常工作之一的值班工作,长期被视作“打打电话、收收发发”的单一事务性工作,似乎没有参谋作用可起,从而影响了值班工作人员参谋主体意识的确立及应有作用的发挥。本文试从信息工作的角度,就如何确认和发挥值班工作参谋职能问题谈点粗浅认识。一、信息,确认了值班工作的参谋职能信息是决策的基础和依据。可以这样说,离开信息工作,就谈不上秘书部门的参谋职能。因此,要确认值班工作的参谋职能,首先应该考察其信息功能。目前,在县以上的党政机关中都设有值班室。在省、市以上的首脑部门还配备了专职值班人员,实行24小时昼夜值班制。值班室的工作任务除收发报刊、邮件,负责领导同志部分后勤服务外,主要是接待来信来访、处理紧急事件、承接电话和工作联系,成为机关工作中 One of the daily tasks of the secretary department on a daily basis is regarded as a single transactional work that has long been regarded as “making phone calls and receiving hair and sending hair.” There seems to be no role of a staff officer, thus affecting the establishment of the staff awareness of the staff on duty and should Play a role. This article try from the perspective of information work, on how to confirm and play the role of staff on duty superficial understanding. First, the information confirms the staffing information on duty work is the basis and basis for decision-making. It can be said that if we leave the information work, we can not say the staff function of the secretarial department. Therefore, to confirm the work of staff on duty duty, first of all should examine the information function. At present, there are duty rooms in the party and government organs above the county level. In the provincial and municipal leaders above the head office is also equipped with full-time duty staff, the implementation of 24-hour day and night duty system. In addition to sending and receiving newspapers and e-mails, the duty room of the duty room is responsible for leading comrades in part of the logistics services, mainly receiving letters and visits, handling emergencies, undertaking phone calls and working contacts and becoming organs in work
Amid "profound changes unseen in a century," China should understand its own position and role in the evolution of the world landscape and seize the initiative