The EU's Strategic Predicament after Withdrawal from Perspective of Afghanistan

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The EU has significant geopolitical and security interests in Afghanistan,including prevention of the resurgence of refugees,combating terrorism,improving the EU\'s image,exporting Western values,and increasing its geopolitical weight by transforming Afghanistan.The Taliban\'s renewed control of Afghanistan is a heavy blow for the EU,and it brings uncertainty to security and geopolitical issues.These changes highlight the long-standing strategic predicament of the EU:excessive dependence on the US,which prevents the EU from realizing its own strategic autonomy;a long-term values-oriented diplomacy that compresses its own strategic space so that a pragmatic cooperation system in the supposed post-American era is difficult to take shape;mechanism and authority limitations that aggravate the conflict between ideal and reality and prevent the EU as a whole from exerting its due international influence.After the era of Trump,the changes in Afghanistan have again stimulated the EU;a new round of discussion has been initiated within it,and a sense of its independence has been reinforced.However,due to a number of constraints,the EU\'s strategic adjustment will ultimately be limited,and will still face difficulties in escaping from its strategic predicament.
控制感剥夺会阻碍工作记忆中的转换功能,但对工作记忆中刷新功能的影响机制尚不清楚.据此,本文通过两个实验来探究控制感剥夺对工作记忆刷新功能的影响.结果 发现,相较于基线水平,无论是通过行为无助任务(实验1)还是通过信息无助任务(实验2)操纵的稳定控制感剥夺均未阻碍随后的刷新任务;但在不稳定控制感剥夺的条件下(实验2),刷新任务的成绩显著降低.这表明,控制感剥夺对工作记忆刷新功能的影响依赖于对其操纵的稳定性.
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