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冬意渐浓,整个城市弥漫着新春将要来临的气息。年复一年,就这样匆匆而过。每年的这个时候,人们都满怀丰收的喜悦,在忙碌着总结一年的成败得失,然后又将失败和经验教训化作新的动力,憧憬着、等待着、盼望着新的开始。今年的冬天和往年一样,到处都飘动着清新晴朗和煦的阳光。2005年将在冬天里画上句号,她的影子也将在雪花飘零时渐行渐远,我们只有在温馨的回忆里,想起走过的点点滴滴。隔着冬日的暖阳往回看,原来多少人心向往的那种愿望,并不是今天都市阳光中人们真正舒心惬意的那杯茶。这说不清的错位,是不是可以记在时间的帐上?就像平凡的你我,阳光下欢畅的微笑被时间巨轮辗转颠覆,转机转工转会转校之后,也必须面对太多的下落不明,失散的伴侣失落的故事失意的记忆失效的电话号码——有哪一种风格是延续数年之后,依然能和现实生活丝丝入扣的呢? Winter is getting stronger, the city filled with the atmosphere of the coming Spring is coming. Year after year, so hurried past. At this time of year, people are full of the joy of bumper harvest. They are busy summing up the success or failure of a year, then turn the failure and lessons into new impetus, longing for, waiting and looking forward to a new beginning. This year’s winter, like in previous years, is full of fresh, sunny, warm sunshine. 2005 will end in the winter, her shadow will drift away when the snow drifts away, we only in the warm memories, think of the little things gone. Looking back at the warm sun of winter, the aspiration of many people is not the cup of tea that people really enjoy in today’s sunshine. This can not tell the dislocation, is it right? Can be credited to the account of time? Just like you and me, the joy of the sun smile was subverted by the time the wheel, turnaround transfer transfer to school, but also must face too much The whereabouts of unknown, lost partner lost story frustrated memory failure phone number - what kind of style is the continuation of a few years later, still able to falsify with the real life?
情人节掩埋在一片玫瑰和巧克力中,久违的浓香。我来了说:“情人节,我要用书砸死你,让你在书香之中瞑目。” Valentine’s Day buried in a rose and chocolate, returning t
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客人来了,我们会拿出客人喜欢的茶叶,让它飘散久以封存的气息。今天,我们拿出碧螺春来招待我们的客人。古典、沉郁、历久弥香,就像我们眼前的客人。 Guests come, we will c