Trajectory reshaping based guidance with impact time and angle constraints

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konglgu0404
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This study presents a novel impact time and angle constrained guidance law for homing missiles. The guidance law is first developed with the prior-assumption of a stationary target, which is followed by the practical extension to a maneuvering target scenario. To derive the closed-form guidance law, the trajectory reshaping technique is utilized and it results in defining a specific polynomial function with two unknown coefficients. These coefficients are determined to satisfy the impact time and angle constraints as well as the zero miss distance. Furthermore, the proposed guidance law has three additional guidance gains as design parameters which make it possible to adjust the guided trajectory according to the operational conditions and missile’s capability.Numerical simulations are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law. This study presents a novel impact time and angle constrained guidance law for homing missiles. The guidance law is first developed with the prior-assumption of a stationary target, which is followed by the practical extension to a maneuvering target scenario. To derive the closed- form guidance law, the trajectory reshaping technique is utilized and it results in defining a specific polynomial function with two unknown coefficients. Furthermore, the proposed guidance law has three additional guidance gains as design parameters which make it possible to to adjust the guided trajectory according to the operational conditions and missile’s capability. Numerical simulations are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law.
王红梅,浙江省丽水市莲都外国语学校教师,丽水市学科带头人,莲都区拔尖人才,丽水市优质课一等奖获得者,中学语文高级教师。  [提纲一]  想清楚,写明白。列提纲的过程就是构思全文的过程。小作者用外号为“大嘴猴”总括全文,按照总—分—总的思路,叙写了同学的生活小事,突出反映“大嘴猴”嘴快、毛糙、稳重的性格特征。小作者选例典型,使人物形象跃然纸上;更难能可贵的是人物形象不扁平,塑造立体,大大咧咧中却又不
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