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前不久在武汉举办的长江航运国际论坛上,交通部李盛霖部长就我国内河航运的优势、地位、发展的战略构想和推进内河航运发展的措施作了精彩的阐述,明确提出要坚持内河航运与国家战略和流域经济可持续发展相协调,内河航运与防洪、发电、灌溉、供水等水资源综合利用相协调,航道与港口、船舶以及干支线发展相协调,内河航运与其他运输方式有效衔接,统筹兼顾,突出重点,加快内河高等级航道网建设,推进内河船舶标准化和运输结构调整,同步建设布局合理、功能完善、专业化和高效的内河港口体系的战略目标。 Minister Li Shenglin of the Ministry of Communications made a brilliant exposition on the advantages, status and development strategy of China’s inland river shipping and the measures for promoting the development of the inland water transport. He explicitly proposed that we should adhere to the principle of inland shipping and the country The strategy is in harmony with the sustainable development of the basin economy. The inland waterway transportation is coordinated with the comprehensive utilization of water resources such as flood control, power generation, irrigation and water supply. The navigation channel is coordinated with the development of ports, ships and dry and branch lines. The inland shipping links with other transportation modes effectively, Both priorities should be given priority to speeding up the construction of inland waterway network, promoting the standardization of inland waterways and restructuring of transport structures, and simultaneously establishing the strategic goal of an inland port system with rational distribution, complete functions, professionalization and high efficiency.
电视剧的技术制作是电视剧生产不可缺少的重要部分。   电视剧制作过程中录制技术的应用包括:   1、电视剧制作所使用的摄像机大致分两种类型:数字机 (如 DVW- 700)和 SP型
尽管氟在口腔局部有着很明显的益处 ,但是其副作用氟牙症也通过全身途径发生。在工业化国家 ,包括美国、加拿大 ,龋齿发生率在过去的 40年里明显的降低了。然而 ,美国那些饮
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传统配制消毒乙醇的方法已不适应现代临床要求,故需采用新的方法,以满足临床需要,确保消毒质量。 The traditional method of preparation of sterile ethanol has not adap
倒退跑有许多好处,如腿肚不容易被拉伤;可增加膝与踝关节的运动量,使之更有弹性,因为倒退跑时受震动的是小腿肌肉而不是 Back run has many benefits, such as the calf is