Giant piezoresponse and promising application of environmental friendly small-ion-doped ZnO

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hqchunyun
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In recent years,with the growing concerns on environmental protection and human health,new materials,such as lead-free piezoelectric materials,have received increasing attention.So far,three types of lead-free piezoelectric systems have been widely researched,i.e.,perovskites,bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics,and tungsten-bronze type ferroelectrics.This article presents a new type of environmental friendly piezoelectric material with simple structure,the transition-metal(TM)-doped ZnO.Through substituting Zn2+ site with small size ion,we obtained a series of TM-doped ZnO with giant piezoresponse,such as Zn0.975V0.025O of 170 pC/N,Zn0.94Cr0.06O of 120 pC/N,Zn0.913Mn0.087O of 86 pC/N and Zn0.988Fe0.012O of 127 pC/N.The tremendous piezoresponses are ascribed to the introduction of switchable spontaneous polarization and high permittivity in TM-doped ZnO.The microscopic origin of giant piezoresponse is also discussed.Substitution of TM ion with small ionic size for Zn2+ results in the easier rotation of noncollinear TM-O1 bonds along the c axis under the applied field,which produces large piezoelectric displacement and corresponding piezoresponse enhancement.Furthermore,it proposes a general rule to guide the design of new wurtzite semiconductors with enhanced piezoresponses.That is,TM-dopant with ionic size smaller than Zn2+ substitutes for Zn2+ site will increase the piezoresponse of ZnO significantly.Finally,we discuss the improved performances of some TM-doped ZnO based piezoelectric devices. In recent years, with the growing concern on environmental protection and human health, new materials, such as lead-free piezoelectric materials, have received increased attention.So far, three types of lead-free piezoelectric systems have been been researched, ie, perovskites , bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics, and tungsten-bronze type ferroelectrics. This article presents a new type of environmental friendly piezoelectric material with simple structure, the transition-metal (TM) -doped ZnO. Through substituting Zn2 + site with small size ion, we obtained a series of TM-doped ZnO with giant piezoresponse, such as Zn0.975V0.025O of ​​170 pC / N, Zn0.94Cr0.06O of 120 pC / N, Zn0.913Mn0.087O of 86 pC / N and Zn0.988Fe0 .012O of 127 pC / N.The tremendous piezoresponses are ascribed to the introduction of switchable spontaneous polarization and high permittivity in TM-doped ZnO. The microscopic origin of giant piezoresponse is also discussed. Substitution of TM ion with small ionic size for Zn2 + results in th e easier rotation of noncollinear TM-O1 bonds along the c axis under the applied field, which produces large piezoelectric displacement and corresponding piezoresponse enhancement. Future, it proposes a general rule to guide the design of new wurtzite semiconductors with enhanced piezoresponses. What is is, TM-dopant with ionic size smaller than Zn2 ​​+ substitutes for Zn2 + site will increase the piezoresponse of ZnO significantly. Finally, we discuss the improved performances of some TM-doped ZnO based piezoelectric devices.
患者梁××,男,42岁干部。既往健康,因患中心性视网膜炎.口服VitC,B_1和滴注维脑路通400mg+5%GS500ml(40~50gtt/min)每日1次。第6次用药,当滴入400ml 左右时,患者出现头痛、
121与妊娠有关的骨质疏松[英]/DunneF…∥ClinEn-docrinol,-1993,39.-487~490以往的文献报道妊娠期发生骨质疏松较少见,因为妊娠是偶然并存还是引起骨质疏松的原因仍不清楚,也无准确的诊断标准。因此作者对35名妇女随访... 121
【《医学世界报导》1985年12月】一种可使放疗效果加倍的放射致敏剂已通过了毒性试验,正准备广泛用于试验治疗膀胱癌、前列腺癌和头颈部的癌肿。这种放射致敏剂称为 SR-2508
经阴道和腹部B超诊断后倾后屈子宫后壁肌瘤的对比观察广西医科大学一附院妇产科B超室马燕,袁华,龙凤宜阴道B超1984年应用于临床,在诊断早早孕、异位妊娠、监测卵泡方面取得很大进展 ̄[1]。近
笔者于1983年9月4日遇到1例接触少量10%磺胺嘧啶乳剂引起的固定性药疹患者,现报导如下: 患者男,30岁,武汉重型机床厂工人,于83年9月4日上午9时许给小孩喂10%磺胺嘧啶乳剂时,不
本文报告救治一例大量误输异型血获得成功,现报告如下。高××,男,50岁。因进行性吞咽困难3月余于1980年7月30日住当地医院.体检患者较消瘦, This article reports a large