周荃:台湾才女 政坛、管理、传媒三栖的智慧人生

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周荃一贯反对“台独”,坚持一个中国立场。在台湾,从李登辉时代起,她就对““台独”言行口诛笔伐,虽屡遭打击和恐吓,却毫不退却!由周荃担任董事长的TNN真相台,定位于为两岸沟通的桥梁。运用最简单的财经语言把台湾介绍给大陆,把大陆介绍给台湾。她的工作经历划分为三个“九”年。第一个“九”年是当电视记者、主播、当制作人。第二个“九”年是当“立法委员”。那时,她虽说是老资格的国民党员,却是国民党中最年轻的──33岁女性“立法委员”。后来,她在党内与郁慕明、赵少康、王建宣等另外6人,创建了新党。现暂别台湾政坛。第三个“九”年则是自己独立搞媒体,担任真相TNN两岸台董事长。她特立独行,舌灿莲花;锋芒毕露,文采出众,被台湾媒体称为台湾地区“最有影响力、最有智慧的女人之一”。 Zhou Quan has consistently opposed ”Taiwan's independence,“ and adhered to the one-China stand. In Taiwan, starting from the Lee Teng-hui era, she criticized both ”words and deeds“ of ”Taiwan's independence,“ and despite repeated strikes and intimidations, she has not retreated. The TNN Truth Center, chaired by Zhou Quan, is positioned as a bridge for cross-Strait communications. She introduced Taiwan to mainland China in the simplest financial and economic language and introduced the mainland to Taiwan. Her work experience is divided into three ”nine“ years. The first ”nine“ years are television reporters, anchors and producers. The two ”nine“ years were ”lawmakers.“ By that time, though she was a veteran Kuomintang member, she was the youngest member of the Kuomintang - a 33-year-old female ”legislator.“ Later, she and Yu Mu-ming , Zhao Shaokang, Wang Jianxuan and other 6, founded the New Party. Now bid farewell to Taiwan's political arena. The third ”nine“ year is their own independent media, as chairman of the truth TNN Taiwan Strait. Lotus; hard-edged, literary outstanding, by the Taiwan media as the Taiwan area ”one of the most influential and most intelligent woman."
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