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目的评价孕中期妇女膳食多样化水平,了解影响孕妇膳食多样化摄入的因素,为促进孕妇的营养健康和保障胎儿的良好发育提供依据。方法从6 307名孕妇中选取孕中期孕妇4 901名,依据孕中期妇女平衡膳食宝塔计算膳食多样化评分。将不同DDS组孕妇的营养素摄入量采用非参数的Kruskal-Wallis H检验进行多组间比较,并对膳食多样化的影响因素用累积优势Logistic回归分析。结果孕中期孕妇的DDS≥6人数占80%,DDS中位数为7;不同DDS组的营养素摄入量差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),由中位数可见DDS越高,能量及营养素摄入量增加;钙摄入量在DDS8-9组仅占RNI值(1 000 mg)的61.3%。孕中期孕妇膳食多样化受到年龄、文化程度、家庭收入、饮食规律、产次、食量和运动习惯的影响(P<0.05)。结论孕中期孕妇膳食多样化的程度较高,但食物摄入种类方面存在问题,钙的摄入量也明显不足。年龄、文化程度、家庭收入等因素对孕妇膳食多样化产生不同程度的影响。应针对不同孕妇的实际情况加强孕期教育和指导,使孕妇形成正确的营养需求认知和合理的膳食行为。 Objective To evaluate the level of dietary diversification among pregnant women in the second trimester, and to understand the factors that affect the diversified intake of pregnant women, so as to provide the basis for promoting the nutrition and health of pregnant women and ensuring the good development of the fetus. Methods A total of 4 901 pregnant women were selected from 6 307 pregnant women, and the dietary diversity score was calculated according to the balanced diet pagoda of pregnant women in the second trimester. Nutrients intake of pregnant women in different DDS groups were compared among groups using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis H test, and the influencing factors of dietary diversification were analyzed by cumulative logistic regression. Results The pregnant women in the second trimester had a DDS≥6 population of 80% and a median DDS of 7. There was a significant difference in nutrient intake among different DDS groups (P <0.05). The higher the DDS, the higher the energy and Nutrients intake increased; calcium intake in the DDS8-9 group accounted for only 61.3% of the RNI value (1 000 mg). Dietary diversity of pregnant women in the second trimester was influenced by age, education level, family income, dietary patterns, parity, food intake and exercise habits (P <0.05). Conclusion The pregnant women in the second trimester have higher dietary diversification, but there are problems in the types of food intake, and the intake of calcium is obviously insufficient. Age, educational level, family income and other factors have different effects on pregnant women’s diet diversification. Should be based on the actual situation of different pregnant women to strengthen education and guidance during pregnancy, pregnant women to form the correct understanding of nutritional needs and reasonable dietary behavior.
文中在深入分析Windows环境下VMware Player虚拟机与宿主机之间文件交换机理的基础上,提出采用HIPS技术结合多角色强制访问控制矩阵模型,实现对VMware Player虚拟机安装Windows XP操作系统与宿主机安装Windows XP操作系统之间的可视文件的访问控制,补充和完善了宿主机系统与虚拟机系统之间的安全隔离和封装,为VMware Player虚拟机系统在实际的安全隔离环
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<正> 中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)为了实现与国际石油工业管理接轨,从1994年开始按照行业标准SY/TC6276-1997《石油天然气工业健康、安全与环境管理体系》的规定,在全系统