
来源 :中国典籍与文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aquabluesky
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南京长干塔于明永乐年间重建,成为明清两代具有代表性的建筑之一。作为一座皇家寺院中的宝塔,关于它的记载不断出现在文人笔下。同时,长干塔作为建筑奇观的声名也在清初广传欧洲,成为欧洲人心目中的“中国形象’’之一。长干塔在明清两代几经损坏和修复,最终于成丰时期毁于太平天国军之手。长干塔在明清两代获得了文人广泛的关注,在文坛逐渐形成一个固定的文学意象,反映出晚明清初文士尤其是明遗民的心态变化。 The Nanjing Changgan Tower was rebuilt in the Ming Yongle period and became one of the representative buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties. As a pagoda in a royal monastery, records about it constantly appear in the writings of literati. At the same time, the towering tower as a spectacle of architectural wonders spread widely throughout Europe in the early Qing Dynasty, becoming one of the ”images of China" in the minds of Europeans. The tower was damaged and restored in the Ming and Qing dynasties, The period was destroyed by the Taiping Heavenly Army.The Nagahama Pagoda received wide attention from the literati during the Ming and Qing dynasties and gradually formed a fixed literary image in the literary world, reflecting the mentality of the scribes, especially the Ming adherents, in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.
估计,1991年12月或1992年1月,曾宣布过一项合同的签署,以改进美空军老式雷达告警接收机 ALR-69的可靠性和可维修性。当时,佐治亚技术研究所接到沃纳·罗宾斯空军后勤中心一
政治教育是一种人文艺术特征鲜明的教育活动,具有美学方法论意义,以美学为路径开展政治教育,是有效提升政治教育效果的重要途径。 Political education is a distinctive ed
Background/methods: We compared the diagnostic yield of a real time polymeras e chain reaction (PCR) assay in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples with conventio n
据说,空军一直在密切注视海军独特的 ALE-50机载有源一次使用诱饵计划的进展,对这种牵引式对抗设备表示“支持”。日前,海军在其 A-6飞机上试飞这种设备。海军还在研究可把
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