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具有百年历史的中华老字号天津桂发祥,1997年开始实施“开发新品、引导消费、拓展市场、现代生产”为主要内容的麻花发展战略后,企业实现了高速发展,麻花销售额从1997年的400万元猛增到去年的2.3亿元,形成5大系列50多个品种,产品销往近30个省市,并出口到美国、加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚等国家,被中外人士誉为“天津最有代表性的小吃”。桂发祥集团近年来突破了传统作坊式的生产束缚,更新观念,搞工业化生产,投资建设了6条麻花自动化生产线,但仍不能满足市场需求和企业发展需要。为实现企业跨越式发展,扩大市场份额,该集团着眼于2005年营业额10亿元的大目标,大手笔高水平地建设了占地30亩、厂房超万平方米的现代化生产基地。据集团负责人介绍,生产基地按照国际标准建设,厂房 With an old Chinese brand name of Tianjin Guifaxiang, which has a history of more than 100 years, since 1997, the company has implemented the strategy of development of “development of new products, guided consumption, market expansion, and modern production” as the main content of the twist development strategy. The company has achieved high-speed development, with twist sales from 1997. The 4 million yuan surged to 230 million yuan last year, forming 5 series of more than 50 varieties, the products are sold to nearly 30 provinces and cities, and exported to the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries, was hailed by Chinese and foreigners as “The most representative snack in Tianjin.” In recent years, Guifa Xiang Group has broken through the traditional workshop-style production constraints, updated concepts, and engaged in industrial production. It has invested in the construction of six automatic twist production lines, but it still cannot meet market demand and enterprise development needs. In order to achieve leapfrog development and expand market share, the group focused on the goal of a turnover of 1 billion yuan in 2005, and built a large-scale, modern production base with an area of ​​30 acres and a plant of more than 10,000 square meters. According to the person in charge of the group, the production base is built in accordance with international standards and the factory building
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