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2月21日,涟源市人大常委会召开会议,听取了市财政部门关于2012年度全市财政预算草案以及部门预算草案编制情况的汇报。从这次会议上获悉,今年该市财政预算的“到位率”预计超过75%,比往年将大幅提高。由于该市本级财政收人有限,财政保障能力较为薄弱,过去,许多应该列支的项目都没有纳入财政预算,预算“到位率”较低,先执行、后预算或边执行、边预算的现象经常发生,既影响了财政预算的严肃性,又影响 On February 21, Lianyuan City People’s Congress Standing Committee held a meeting and listened to the report of the municipal finance department on the preparation of the 2012 draft city budget and departmental draft budget. It is learned from this meeting that the “expected rate” of the city’s budget this year is expected to exceed 75%, a substantial increase over previous years. Due to the limited financial revenue at the city level and weak financial security capacity, in the past, many items that should be included in the budget have not been included in the budget, the budget is lower, the first execution, the second budget or the implementation of the budget The frequent occurrence of the budget has both affected the seriousness of the budget and affected it
Evans综合征即自身免疫性溶血性贫血(AIHA)———免疫性血小板减少性紫癜 (ITP)综合征。近年来 ,我们以大剂量免疫球蛋白(HDIVIG)治疗儿童Evans综合征 2例 ,取得良好疗效。例 1 患儿 ,男 ,6岁。因“
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喉软骨瘤为喉科少见疾病,迄今国内有记载者9例,我科于1992年遇1例,曾一直误诊为“双声带麻痹”、“哮喘”,特作如下报告。 病历报告 患者女性,62岁,住院日期:1992年4月2日,
The microwave technology was introduced to separate naphthenic acids from diesel fuel. The decrease of zeta-potential of electric double layer on the W/O interf