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道路运输安全作为公共安全的重要组成部分,事关人民群众生命财产安全,事关经济社会的协调发展,事关社会和谐稳定,是重大的民生问题。习近平总书记明确要求:坚持管行业必须管安全,管业务必须管安全,全面推进安全生产工作。道路运输系统要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产的一系列重要讲话精神,按照杨传堂部长“牢固树立红线意识,全力打造平安交通”的要求,强化责任意识和担当精神,主动作为,在夯实道路运输安全基础上狠下功夫,扎实抓好道路运输安全各项工作,不断提升道路运输安全管理水平,从源头上预防和减少道路运输事故的发生。 As an important component of public safety, road transport safety is a major livelihood issue that concerns the safety of people’s lives and property, the coordinated development of economy and society, and the harmony and stability of society. General Secretary Xi Jinping explicitly required: To insist that the industry must be in charge of safety management must be in charge of business safety and comprehensively promote safety in production. The road transport system should conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches on safety in production. In accordance with the requirements of Minister Yang Chuan-tang, “firmly establish the awareness of the red line, and strive to create safe transportation”, the road transport system should reinforce its sense of responsibility and initiative, On the basis of complying with the road transport safety, we worked hard to do a good job in all aspects of road transport safety and continuously improve the safety management of road transport so as to prevent and reduce the occurrence of road transport accidents from the source.
谁说80后是垮掉的一代?谁说80后是轻狂浮躁的代名词?  80后在汶川地震中的爱国表现,在政商演义界的各领风骚,都在不断改变着人们对80后的看法。