,High-gain and low-distortion Brillouin amplification based on pump multi-frequency intensity modula

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clgsjzht
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Using a pump with a multi-line spectrum to broaden the Brillouin gain bandwidth is an effective way to achieve lowdistortion amplification with high gain. Here, we theoretically and experimentally investigate the generation of a broadband Brillouin gain spectrum based on multi-frequency intensity modulation in an optical fiber. The arbitrary bandwidth of the Brillouin gain spectrum of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) can be obtained as expected. In our experiment, a broadband Brillouin gain spectrum with a bandwidth of about 200 MHz is demonstrated. We also achieve a low-distortion amplification of a weak signal, whose maximum magnification is 65 dB for a -68-dBm input power signal.
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本试验以水培和盆栽的浙农117、浙农113和龙井43为材料,对其进行了不同铅浓度的叶面和根部处理,研究了茶树叶片和根系吸收铅之后,铅在茶树体内的累积分布及其在茶园土壤、茶树中的主要存在形态,铅对茶树生育、生理的影响,茶树体内保护酶类活性的变化等,结果表明: 1.铅在茶树体内具有可移动性,叶面吸收的铅可以向地下部转移,根系吸收的铅也可以向地上部运送,并分布于茶树的各个器官中。无论是通过叶面吸收