
来源 :纺织服装周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xindongmei
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以服装这个产业链终端产品为引擎,中国纺织服装业的快车正行驶在创意产业的跑道上。在这条跑道上,太多难得的契机值得深挖,太多跨界的领域值得摸索。将于10月21日在上海名仕街时尚创意产业园拉开帷幕的2009 Reach&Touch时尚创意空间活动,提出“1+C”即品牌+创意概念,将带领整个纺织服装行业,驰骋在追求高附加值和商业价值的康庄大道上。 To clothing the industrial chain terminal products as the engine, China’s textile and garment industry Express is driving in the creative industries runway. On this runway, too many rare opportunities worth digging for too much cross-border areas worth exploring. Will be held on October 21 in Shanghai Mingshi Street Fashion Creative Industry Park opened in 2009 Reach & Touch fashion creative space activities, proposed “1 + C ” brand + creative concept that will lead the entire textile and apparel industry, ride in the pursuit of High value-added and commercial value of the road.
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