
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackywang1980
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在一些会上,有的法院推广审执结合的经验,有的领导也肯定审执结合的作法.这样不少基层人民法院在审判案件效力不高、装备落后的条件下就审执结合作了成文的或不成文的规定,这些规定一是从岗位责任制里体现,二是从办案补贴金额(由于办案经费严重不足,不能按国家规定给干警报销正常的差旅费,只能低于国家规定标准适当补贴)体现.如某人民法院规定,各审判庭(含人民法庭)审结的案件,有执行内容的,办案的审判庭或法庭执行不得少于百分之几十,重疑难的执行案件.经主管院长批准,才能移送执行庭执行.某县法院规定,审结一件刑事案件补贴7元;一件民事、行政、执行案件补贴10元;一件经济纠纷案件补贴15元;有执行内容的,均应执行完毕;审结后移送执行庭执行的,每件减补金额的50%. In some meetings, some courts have promoted the experience of combining prosecution with others, and some leaders have also affirmed the practice of combining trial with adjudication, so many grass-root people’s courts have taken joint action on the trial under the conditions of the trial of the trial being ineffective and under-equipped Written or unwritten rules, these provisions are reflected in the post responsibility system, the second is from the amount of case subsidies (due to serious lack of funding for cases, can not be reimbursed to the officers in accordance with state regulations normal travel expenses, only lower than the national standard Appropriate subsidies), such as the case of a people’s court, the trial court (including the people’s court) concluded the case, the implementation of the content, the trial of the court or the court shall not be less than 10% implementation, doubts difficult enforcement cases. The approval of the competent director, can be transferred to the executive court to enforce a county court, concluded a criminal case subsidy of 7 yuan; a civil, administrative and enforcement cases subsidy of 10 yuan; an economic dispute subsidy of 15 yuan; the implementation of the content , Shall be executed; after the adjudication is transferred to the Executive Court, 50% of each deduction amount shall be deducted.
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