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永嘉县公安局“正本立纲”主题教育活动触动了每一位民警的神经,制定的系列制度更是最大限度调动了广大民警的工作积极性和主观能动性。浙江省永嘉县公安局自2012年3月初开始,在全局开展了为期5个月的“正本立纲、创先争优”主题教育整顿活动,他们提炼制定的“4+1”核心制度,具有新意,收到了显著成效。创新体制促发展“‘正本’是要从根本上整治当前队伍中存在的突出问题,‘立纲’是要建立一套行之有效的队伍管理制度,两者先后关系,相辅相成。”永嘉县委常委、公安局局长徐志宏接受采访时说。 Yongjia County Public Security Bureau “the original outline ” theme education activities touched every civilian police nerves, developed a series of systems is to maximize the mobilization of the majority of police work enthusiasm and subjective initiative. Yongjia County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province since the beginning of March 2012, launched a global five-month “the original outline, a prelude to excellence ” theme of education and rectification activities, they refined the formulation of “4 +1” The core system, with new ideas, has received remarkable results. Innovation system to promote development ’’ original “is to fundamentally rectify the outstanding problems existing in the current team, ’set the program’ is to establish an effective system of team management, the two have relations, complement each other.” "Yongjia Xu Zhihong, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and director of the Public Security Bureau, said in an interview.
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