高举旗帜 贴近实际 提高质量 办出特色——总编辑戴舟同志一行上海、新疆调研纪要

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为全面贯彻落实1999年11月25日中央书记处会议精神,进一步提高求是杂志的办刊质量和水平,从2000年第1期起,我们对求是杂志进行了扩版。一方面,通过增强文章的理论性、指导性、权威性来提高杂志的质量;另一方面,通过增设“地方之页”、“地县工作”和“资料库”等栏目进一步贴近实际,努力办出特色。经过半年多的实践,取得了一定的成绩。为了广泛听取社会各界对《求是》扩版的意见以及对进一步办好《求是》的建议,7月17-20日、8月7-15日,戴舟同志一行先后赴上海、新疆调研。调研期间,中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记黄菊,上海市委副书记龚学平,市委常委、宣传部部长金炳华,副市长冯国勤;新疆维吾尔自治区党委书记王乐泉,副书记克尤 In order to comprehensively implement the spirit of the meeting held on November 25, 1999 by the Central Secretariat and further improve the quality and standard of the magazines to be pursued, starting from the first issue of the year 2000, we have expanded the magazine for seeking magazines. On the one hand, we can improve the quality of magazines by strengthening the theoretical, guiding and authoritative articles; on the other hand, we can work hard by putting more columns like “local pages”, “prefectural work” and “databases” Make a difference After more than six months of practice, we have achieved some success. In order to widely listen to the opinions of all walks of life on the expansion of “Seeking for Truth,” as well as suggestions on further seeking “seeking truth from facts,” Comrade Dai Zhou and his entourage went to Shanghai and Xinjiang for investigation on July 17-20 and August 7-15. During the investigation, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Shanghai Party Secretary Huang Ju, Shanghai Municipal Committee Gong Xueping, Municipal Committee, Propaganda Department Jin Binghua, Deputy Mayor Feng Guoqin; Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Secretary Wang Lequan, Deputy Secretary Ke You
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