
来源 :沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jugc007
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目的对刚果(布)1号公路二期工程Djoué组合梁桥的施工阶段受力进行研究,验证施工过程中的结构是否处于安全状态.方法对该桥的施工过程,计算模型和参数进行介绍,并采用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS的“生死单元”技术实现对该桥的施工过程仿真分析,比较了不同施工阶段的受力情况.结果按照考虑施工过程计算出的钢梁应力为105 MPa,钢梁位移为57.524 mm.针对考虑施工过程和直接计算结果进行比较,在应力结果方面,两种方法所得结果十分接近,而在位移结果方面,两种方法存在相对明显的区别,考虑施工过程计算出的位移要大于不考虑施工过程计算出的位移.结论对结构进行施工过程分析时,施工阶段的划分应尽量做到详细而准确,力求对施工全过程的数值模拟结果更加精确.对于Djoué桥这类跨度适中的钢混组合桥,可采用直接计算方法得到成桥后的桥梁受力状态,并参考本例对所得的位移结果进行一定放大. The purpose of this paper is to study the force of construction of the Djoué composite beam bridge during the second phase of the Congo (road) No. 1 project and to verify whether the structure is in a safe state during the construction process.Methods The construction process, calculation model and parameters of the bridge are introduced, The construction process of the bridge was simulated and analyzed by using the software “Life and death unit” of ANSYS, and the stress conditions of different construction stages were compared.Results The stress of the steel beam calculated according to the construction process was 105 MPa , And the displacement of the steel beam is 57.524 mm.For comparing the construction process and the direct calculation results, the results obtained by the two methods are very close in terms of the stress results, but there is a relatively obvious difference between the two methods in the displacement results. Considering the construction process The calculated displacements are greater than those without considering the displacements calculated in the construction process.Conclusion In the construction process analysis of the structure, the division of the construction phase should be as detailed and accurate as possible, so as to make the numerical simulation results of the whole process more accurate.For Djoué Bridge moderate span of this type of steel composite bridge can be calculated directly by the bridge after the bridge to get the state of force, and reference This example of the results obtained for a certain displacement amplification.
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