Density of Liquid Ni-Mo Alloys Measured by a Modified Sessile Drop Method

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duobao
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The density of liquid binary Ni-Mo alloys with molybdenum concentration from 0 to 20% (mass fraction) wasmeasured by a modified sessile drop method. It has been found that the density of the liquid Ni-Mo alloys decreaseswith increasing temperature, but increases with the increase of molybdenum concentration in the alloys. The molarvolume of liquid Ni-Mo binary alloys increases with the increase of temperature and molybdenum concentration. Thepartial molar volume of molybdenum in Ni-Mo binary alloy has been approximately calculated as [13.18-2.65×10~(-3)T+(-47.94+3.10×10~(-2)T)×10~(-2)X_(Mo)]×10~(-6)m~3·mol~(-1). The molar volume of Ni-Mo alloy determined inthe present work shows a negative deviation from the ideal linear mixing molar volume. The density of liquid binary Ni-Mo alloys with molybdenum concentration from 0 to 20% (mass fraction) wasmeasured by a modified sessile drop method. It has been found that the density of the liquid Ni-Mo alloys decreaseswith increasing temperature, but increases with the increase of molybdenum concentration in the alloys. The molar volume of liquid Ni-Mo binary alloys increases with the increase of temperature and molybdenum concentration. The partial molar volume of molybdenum in Ni-Mo binary alloys has been reduced calculated as [13.18-2.65 × 10 ~ (-3) T + (- 47.94 + 3.10 × 10 -2 T) × 10 -2 × Mo] × 10 ~ (-6) m ~ 3 · mol -1. The molar volume of Ni-Mo alloy determined inthe present work shows a negative deviation from the ideal linear mixing molar volume.
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