China Built New Large Solar1 Telescope2 中国建成最新大型太阳望远镜

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  Chinese scientists have built the country’s first and one of the world’s largest solar telescope. It helps to better observe3 and forecast4 solar activity.
  The Chinese Large Solar Telescope (CLST) has a 1.8-meter aperture5. It caught the first high-resolution6 pictures of the solar atmosphere7 on Dec. 10, 2019.
  Many countries worked hard to build 2-meter and larger solar telescopes in recent years. The world’s large solar telescopes are the 1.6-meter GST in the United States and the 1.5-meter GREGOR in Germany.
  The US 4-meter solar telescope has not yet started to work, and the European one has just begun designing8 and developing.
  Before the CLST, the largest solar telescope in China was the 1-meter New Vacuum9 Solar Telescope.
  According to Rao Changhui, leading the project10, the CLST will be set up with a group of systems11 for many uses.
  As solar activity is more and more, space weather events will become worse and worse. The solar telescope will be used to observe solar activity, and support12 solar research and space weather forecast, Rao said.
  1. solar
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