Magma-Fluid Transition and the Genesis of Pegmatite Dike No.3,Altay,Xinjiang,Northwest China

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doudouling
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Abstract: The physico-chemical conditions under which the pegmatite dyke No. 3 was formed rrrrrrrrnwere discussed in the light of fluid-melt inclusion evidence. Our results lend support to the frac-rrrrrrrrntionation of hydrothermal solutions from magma. For the pegmatite dike No. 3, the magma-rrrrrrrrnderived hydrothermal solutions are dominated by NaCl + CO2 + H2O. Abstract: The physico-chemical conditions under which the pegmatite dyke No. 3 was formed r r r r r r r nwere discussed in the light of fluid-melt inclusion evidence. Our results lend support to the frac- r r r r r r r r ntionation of hydrothermal solutions from magma. For the pegmatite dike No. 3, the magma- r r r r r r r r nderived hydrothermal solutions are dominated by NaCl + CO2 + H2O.
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