To?Learn?A?Language?Is?Not?Simply?A Question?of?Learning Its?Grammar

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  During the millions of years of evolving history from body language to gesture language, language has constantly been developing. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2002, p883) defines Language as "A system of sounds, words, patterns, etc used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings". A language, whose most important function is communication, includes many aspects. For a language, grammar, which describes the structure of the language, is important but not the only vital aspect of learning a language.
  Firstly, this essay will discuss the process of learning a language and whether it is useful only pay attention to grammar teaching. This essay uses first and second language as examples to clarify some valid methods to learning a new language. Then it lists some drawbacks of language teaching situation all over the world and some efficient methods to improve it. There are some examples from daily life and it clearly shows us some measures should be down in the future teaching and learning area.
  Secondly, facts show some current situation of grammar focus teaching not always success in communication area and sometimes it can be a failure. Variety on methods and aspects are necessary in language teaching practice. This essay lists some methods to solve the problem of grammar focus learning and teaching. Focus should be diverting to more aspects than only grammar. Nevertheless, without grammar teaching, the similar situation with poor writing ability and logicalness will appear as well.
  Finally, the essay summarizes some new methods of teaching English, the efficiency of the variety teaching methods. To declaim my point, the whole essay will raise some thinking concern to daily language teaching. A conclusion can be found that learning a language is not simply to learn its grammar. Many area should be covered when we learning a language.
  People all capable to speak their own language without hesitate, while they usually do not care about how to use the grammar and they can freely communicate with the right grammar, the can talk, whisper, command and also do what ever language can do. At the sane time, languages also are combining many things, writing speaking and reading. Actually people don not use grammar exactly in writing part because they seldom focus on grammar study. Many aspects affect people’s language communication ability. Grammar is not only way to learn a language.   If people want to communicate freely, we must find out how we can communicate how it works. Whether grammar is playing a monodrama? Heatherington (1980, p3) states that reading, writing and speaking in a language is the most obvious and unique of human social activities. No evidence shows to learn a language simply to learn its grammar. The target of learning a language is communication, use as many methods as we can to learn a language to attain this aim. Moreover, language developing thousands year, human learned how to survival from the variety languages. Summarize many valid methods and aspects to learning a language.
  In recent years, it is generally accepted by most that teaching grammar is equals to teaching a language. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2002, p645)“grammar is study or science rules for forming words and combing them into sentence.” Grammar shows how the language works, how to combine a paragraph, how to use right formation to construct sentences even passages.
  3.Current situation
  The first time most people recognize grammar is when they learn their own language formally or learn the second language in school. When people discuss the issue of learning languages, the first idea which comes to their mind is learning grammar. People start to learn their own language, at the time when he or she was born, everyday continuously receive messages from outside world; surrounding people give those repeated words and sounds with it. Baby can master a language without official teaching.
  Heatherington (1980,p15) Most infants learn to speak, even born in a nonspeaking parents, as long as they can get contact with other spoken languages, they can easily learn to speak without formally teaching. This is relating to the first language, but when we adjust our view to a second language teaching area, the same thing does not happen a lot. Compare with first language learning, seems like second language learning have to built on the first language. At the same time, people firstly think in their first language then transfer into target language. How it can be a good result, when learning a language in this process?
  【作者簡介】何欣(1985.07-),女,汉族,内蒙古通辽人,南昌航空大学教师,讲师,硕士,研究方向:语言学、语料库、二语习得 写作。
随着一带一路的深入展开,国家对外语人才的需求日益迫切。 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心近期发布《“一带一路”大数据报告(2017)》(以下简称《报告》),语言类人才分列国内媒体和网民关注度排名第1位、沿线国家媒体和网民关注热度排名第4位。《报告》指出,国家语言能力建设问题已经刻不容缓。(以上内容来自于中国一带一路官网)教育部高教司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》提出:高职高专教育英语
【摘要】汉语言文学是以我国普遍使用的汉语作为研究对象的一门学科,可以促使学生在语言文学方面形成一定的理论基础,丰富学生的语言文学知识,提高学生的语言综合技能。因为汉语是一门语言文学,是和生活息息相关的,所以对于学生的“人文精神”,也就是学生的世界观、人生观以及价值观的形成同样具有重要的作用。  【关键词】汉语言文学;人文素质;影响力  【作者简介】杨东海,厦门市杏南中学高三(8)班。  汉语言文学
For time being, the most controversial but widely-used animal research, also known as animal experimentation or animal testing has arisen great public concern since a living organism is an important c
【摘要】在英语教学培养过程中,教师的教育目的不应仅仅是知识的增长,更重要的是能力的提升和英语思维的建立。同时,结合低阶英语思维的培养,教师应该不断在阅读教学中进行高阶思维的教学培养,并促使学生具备良好的英语分析、评判和创造能力,进而在阅读学习中加以应用。因此,教师应该积极将英语高阶思维与阅读教学相结合,并帮助学生在不同的阅读内容与环节中养成良好的阅读习惯,进而顺利掌握英语阅读高阶思维能力。  【关
【摘要】本文从高职英语口语竞赛入手,以反拨作用理论以及动机理论为指导,通过分析竞赛试题类型和构成,进行反思总结,具体从英语口语竞赛对学生学习的内在动机、外在动机、整合动机、工具性动机的反拨作用四个方面展开论述,以青岛求实职业技术学院为例来研究英语口语竞赛对于高职院校学生学习动机的启示与促进,改进英语课堂教学,提升高职院校学生英语实用交际能力。  【关键词】英语口语竞赛;高职学生;学习动机;反拨作用
【摘要】高中英语定语从句是高中阶段一个非常重要的语法项目,主要考点是引导词的用法,尤其是that用法。然而,在学习定语从句时,学生经常误用引导词that 。本文针对定语从句中that学法偏差现象,分析其原因,提出that学法的有效建议,以期提高学生运用能力及解题能力。  【关键词】定语从句that;学法;纠差  【作者简介】冯敏,连云港市锦屏高级中学。  高中英语定语从句教学贯穿模块一共三个单元,
【摘要】在高中阶段的英语学习中,对于阅读思维有着明显且重点的要求,教学工作中,只有通过有效的英语文学阅读,并配合以思维性课堂教学才能实现学生语感的培养。文章从侧重于思维过程的英文阅读整体教学框架逐一进行展开,為相关的教学研究提供合理性的参考。  【关键词】高中英语;思维型教学;思维过程;文学阅读  【作者简介】王雯婷(1988.07-),女,江苏苏州吴江人,江苏省苏州市吴江区平望中学,汉族 ,二级
近日,陕西省安康市人民检察院召开学习党的十八届六中全会专题会,迅速掀起全市检察机关学习全会精神的热潮。全体干警认真观看了党的十八届六中全会公报专题视频,深入了解了十八届六中全会的主要内容,组织学习了《人民日报》刊发的关于十八届六中全会的社论文章《坚定不移推进全面从严治党》,明确了深入学习本次全会精神的重大意义。  安康市人民检察院党组书记、检察长王万兴对全体干警提出,学习党的十八届六中全会专题会是