Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature using a microring resonator

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An approach to the simultaneous measurement of refractive-index (RI) and temperature changes using optical ring resonators is proposed and theoretically demonstrated. With a liquid-core silica ring resonator as an example, two different-order whispering gallery modes (WGMs) might differ in not only RI but also temperature sensitivities. Thus, a second-order sensing matrix should be defined based on these WGMs to determine RI and temperature changes simultaneously. The analysis shows that the RI and temperature detection limits can be achieved on the order of 10^{-7} RI unit and 10^{-3} K at a wavelength of approximately 780 nm.
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针对生物活细胞的观测,基于预放大离轴光路设计和构建了一套倒置式像面数字全息显微成像系统,该系统的全息图记录平面与物体的像面重合,无需光学衍射传播步骤,简化了再现过程。对于引入到相位像中的畸变,采用简单快速的曲面拟合法予以校正;并利用分辨率板对系统实际分辨率进行测定,该系统可以分辨的最小细节信息为0.87 μm。以老鼠的大脑海马区神经元活细胞为成像物体,实现了其在自然状态下的定量相衬成像,清晰观察到了海马区神经元活细胞的胞体、树突等形态结构,获得了细胞形态的基本参数。结果表明,数字全息术可用于神经元等活体细