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1.作者解剖了110具尸体,观察220例膈下动脉的起始动脉,计分为6型: 第Ⅰ型:膈下动脉起于腹腔动脉的,占51.36±3.4%。第Ⅱ型:膈下动脉起于腹主动脉的,占36.36±3.2%。第Ⅲ型:膈下动脉起于肾动脉的,占8.18±1.8%。第Ⅳ型:膈下动脉起于胃左动脉的,占2.27±1.0%。第Ⅴ型:膈下动脉起于肝总动脉的,占0.91±0.63%。第Ⅵ型:膈下动脉起于肠系膜上动脉的,占0.91±0.63%。2.在此220例中,作者观察国人膈下动脉起于腹腔动脉的,远超过起于腹主动脉,与 Adachi 及 Pick 和 Anson等人的研究结果一致,与 Quain、Lipshutz等人的结果及一般教科书中的记载相反。 3.在此110具尸体中,作者观察比较了左右侧膈下动脉的起始动脉配布,可分为下列三型: 第Ⅰ型:左右侧膈下动脉对称的分别起于同一个动脉,共占30.00±4.5%;以起于腹腔动脉的占多,为18.18±3.6%;次为起于腹主动脉的,占10.91±2.9%;又0.91±0.89%起于肾动脉。第Ⅱ型:左右侧膈下动脉共一总干起始,也是对称的,共占23.63±4.0%,以起于腹腔动脉的为最多,占16.36±3.6%;次为起于腹主动脉,占7.27±2.4%。第Ⅲ型:左右侧膈下动脉所起始的动脉不相同,共占46.37±4.6%。以左侧膈下动脉起于腹主动脉,右侧膈下动脉起自腹腔、右肾、胃左、肝总及肠系膜上动脉的占多,共占23.64±4.0%;次为右膈下动脉起自腹主动脉,左膈下动脉起自腹腔或胃左动脉,占12.72±3.1%;再次是左膈下动脉起自腹腔动脉,右膈下动脉起自右肾、胃左、肝总、和肠系膜上动脉,占8.18±2.6%;另有1.81±1.2%右膈下动脉起自腹腔动脉,左膈下动脉起自左肾动脉;其百分率最低。 1. The author dissected 110 bodies and observed the onset artery of 220 cases of subphrenic artery, which was divided into 6 types. Type Ⅰ: The subphrenic artery originated from the celiac artery, accounting for 51.36 ± 3.4%. Type II: subphrenic artery in the abdominal aorta, accounting for 36.36 ± 3.2%. Type III: subphrenic artery from the renal artery, accounting for 8.18 ± 1.8%. Type IV: subphrenic artery from the left gastric artery, accounting for 2.27 ± 1.0%. Type Ⅴ: subphrenic artery from the common hepatic artery, accounting for 0.91 ± 0.63%. Type Ⅵ: subphrenic artery from the superior mesenteric artery, accounting for 0.91 ± 0.63%. 2. In this 220 cases, the authors observed that the subphrenic arteries of the Chinese people originate from the celiac artery far beyond the abdominal aorta, consistent with the findings of Adachi and Pick and Anson et al., And the results of Quain and Lipshutz et al. And The general textbook records the contrary. 3. In this body of 110, the authors observed the left and right subphrenic artery of the starting artery with cloth, can be divided into the following three types: Type Ⅰ: Left and right subphrenic artery symmetry from the same artery, a total of Accounting for 30.00 ± 4.5%, accounting for 18.18 ± 3.6% in the celiac artery, 10.91 ± 2.9% in the abdominal aorta, and 0.91 ± 0.89% in the renal artery. Type â ... ¢: Left and right subphrenic arteries from a total of the beginning of the total stem is also symmetrical, accounting for a total of 23.63 Â ± 4.0%, starting from the celiac artery for the most, accounting for 16.36 Â ± 3.6%; secondary to the abdominal aorta, Accounting for 7.27 ± 2.4%. Type Ⅲ: Left and right subphrenic arteries are not the same starting artery, a total of 46.37 ± 4.6%. From the left subphrenic artery in the abdominal aorta, right subphrenic artery from the abdominal cavity, right kidney, left gastric, total liver and superior mesenteric artery accounted for a total of 23.64 ± 4.0%; for the right subphrenic artery From the abdominal aorta, the left subphrenic artery from the abdominal or left gastric artery, accounting for 12.72 ± 3.1%; again from the left subphrenic artery from the celiac artery, right subphrenic artery from the right kidney, left gastric and total liver, and The superior mesenteric artery accounted for 8.18 ± 2.6%. Another 1.81 ± 1.2% originated from the celiac artery. The left inferior phrenic artery originated from the left renal artery with the lowest percentage.
平时你在用钱的时候,是比较随性还是比较谨慎?会特意地存款或是理财吗?会觉得自己的本性和表现出的态度不一致吗?这个测试,就是看看潜意识里,你用钱时的个性。  你洗了一个香喷喷的热水澡后,突然觉得口渴,而面前正好有四只装满水的杯子,你会喝哪种杯子里装的水呢?  答案A.鸡尾酒杯  选择可以一口喝光的鸡尾酒杯,显示出你的内心比较随性,比起担忧未来,你会更倾向享受当下的美好,这样的你对于金钱的概念可能比较
孩子几乎都有这样那样不被理解的行为特征,比如咬嘴唇、斜眼看人、怕某种动物、考试怯场、厌学等,家长怎么矫正都不管用,于是斥之为“怪癖”。殊不知,任何行为都有原因,只是这些原因比较隐秘。要矫正这些怪癖,必须顺藤摸瓜找到根源,否则这些怪癖有可能成为孩子心理健康的隐患。  这个孩子有点怪  在段女士看来,女儿小颖从小就是一个怪怪的女孩。6岁时,小颖突然怕狗怕得厉害,不仅看到狗就哭、听到犬吠就哭,甚至在电视
那天的我真是倒霉透了。 从来都是准时上下班一丝不苟的我,那天早晨路过一家点心店,看见有刚出笼的小笼包子,鬼使神差不知怎地进店买了二两,等吞咽下最后一只,我一看手表,才