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我国的钢琴表演艺术以及钢琴作品创作虽然很晚才起步,而且发展的道路也比较曲折,但通过无数人的努力,逐渐实现了健康稳步的发展。中国很多的作曲家的音乐创作主要致力于探索民族的风格,而钢琴的创作也是一样,作曲家黄安伦在众多的钢琴创作当中算是一个很重要的代表,他的作品既充满了浓厚的乡土气息,又有比较鲜明的时代感,在怎样解决和声的民族风格方面他做出了很多的努力。因此,对他钢琴音乐创作的特点进行分析,是一项值得研究的课题。 Although the piano performance art and the piano art creation in our country started very late, and the road to development is rather tortuous, the steady and steady development has been gradually achieved through countless efforts. Many Chinese composers’ music creation is mainly devoted to exploring national style. The same applies to the piano. Composer Huang Anlun is a very important representative in numerous piano compositions. His works are full of strong local flavor, There are also more distinctive sense of the times, how to solve the harmony of national style he made a lot of efforts. Therefore, the analysis of the characteristics of his piano music is a subject worth studying.
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