挖壕改土 种肥育林——桃源县陬溪区科学造林的两条关键技术措施

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陬溪是个丘陵区,山地土壤瘠薄、粘重、板结。表土层30厘米以下,基本上是未风化的母岩或坚实土层,排水不良,透气性能差,缺肥少水。这种土壤使林木根系发育受到极大限制,是导致林木生长不良,未老先衰,形成“小老头”树的主要原因。近几年来,陬溪区的广大干部和社员,在农业学大寨、普及大寨县的群众运动中,以阶级斗争为纲,坚持党的基本路线,与天斗、与地斗、与错误思想斗,在营造社会主义大林的过程中,根据《农业八字宪法》,针对丘陵区土壤特点,以改天换地的革命气魄,在土、肥、水上下硬 Sui River is a hilly area, barren mountain soil, sticky weight, compaction. Topsoil below 30 cm, is basically non-weathered rock or solid soil, poor drainage, poor ventilation, lack of fat less water. This kind of soil has greatly restricted the development of tree roots and is the main reason for the poor growth of trees and the premature aging and the formation of the “old man” tree. In recent years, many cadres and members in Qixi district have taken the class struggle as the key link and adhered to the party’s basic line, fighting with heaven, fighting with earth and making mistakes in the mass movement of studying Dazhai in agriculture and popularizing Dazhai County. In the process of building a socialist forest, according to the “Eight Character Constitution of Agriculture”, in light of the characteristics of the soil in the hilly areas, and using the revolutionary spirit of changing the land for another day,
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