A Beam Search-based Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System Scheduling

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanjich
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A new algorithm is proposed for the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling problem in this paper. The proposed algorithm is a heuristic based on filtered beam search. It considers the machines and automated guided vehicle (AGV) as the primary resources. It utilizes system constraints and related manufacturing and processing information to generate machines and AGV schedules. The generated schedules can be an entire scheduling horizon as well as various lengths of scheduling periods. The proposed algorithm is also compared with other well-known dispatching rules-based FMS scheduling. The results indicate that the beam search algorithm is a simple, valid and promising algorithm that deserves further research in FMS scheduling field. It considers the machines and automated guided vehicle (AGV) as the primary resources. It assumes system (FMS) scheduling problem in this paper. constraints and related manufacturing and processing information to generate machines and AGV schedules. The generated schedules can be an entire scheduling horizon as well as various lengths of scheduling periods. The proposed algorithm is also compared with other well-known dispatching rules-based FMS scheduling. The results indicate that the beam search algorithm is a simple, valid and promising algorithm that deserves further research in FMS scheduling field.
【摘要】我国中职教学中素质教育作為重要指导思想。数学作为一门与生活紧密联系的学科,也是中职学校主要的基础课程,因此应该担负起培养学生综合素质的目的。本文中笔者以中职数学教育现状为切入点,分析培养中职生职业素养的措施,为社会输送的“德才兼备”的高素质人才。  【关键词】中职数学 职业素养 培养措施  【中图分类号】G71 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)12-0138-0
在老舍故居,一只用于怀揣的扁瓶式锡金小酒壶吸引了我。小酒壶下边附有一行字的简介:“老舍在伦敦生活时,冬季随身带此酒壶,以驱湿寒。”小酒壶银光熠熠,似有醇香从酒壶里溢出,沁人心脾,让我心头生出缕缕暖丝。  我零零星星地读过老舍先生的一些诗文,由衷羡慕他的文酒人生。老舍喜欢酒,喜欢好友相聚而饮。他人品好,酒品也好,为文谈起酒,悠闲豁达,语吐珠玑。他在《村居》中诗言“文章为命酒为魂”,以行践德,光可鉴人
一  李重是一个很奇怪的人,他自己开了一家服装设计工作室。每年花四十多万租一个工作间,两百多平方米。这个工作间在城市的商贸中心地带,工作室有五个人,包括他。李重却每个月只去一次,他特别喜欢在家待着。于是,他手下的四个人就很不安,因为老板在家里,他们却在工作间。每次有什么事情都得电话请示,李重每次就说你们看着办吧,我没有什么明确意见。大家只好跟着他的感觉走,好在总是有设计订单源源不断地寄来。毕竟,李
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