
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongshengxiao
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盛中国系当今活跃在乐坛的我国著名小提琴家,出生于音乐世家,他的父亲盛雪是中国著名的小提琴教育家,共养育了十一个孩子,以盛中国、盛中华为代表的盛雪的后人,其中十个以音乐为专业,共有九人演奏小提琴,创造了中国“盛氏小提琴之家”的奇迹。盛雪夫人朱冰著有《我的故事——盛氏小提琴家族》一书(解放军文艺出版社出版),以亲切生动的笔触描写这个音乐世家的感人故事,本刊摘选部分章节,以飨读者。——编者 Sheng China is a famous Chinese violinist who is currently active in the music scene. He was born in a musical family. His father, Sheng Xue, is a famous violin educator in China. He raised a total of 11 children to Sheng Sheng Of the descendants, of which ten professional music, a total of nine people playing the violin, creating China “Sheng’s violin house ” miracle. Mrs. Sheng Xue’s book “My Story - Sheng’s Violin Family” (published by People’s Liberation Army Literature and Art Publishing House) describes the touching story of this musical family with vivid brush strokes. Selected articles from this magazine to readers . --editor
为寻杀父仇人,农民四兄弟踏上追凶路,一追16年。这是血性的16年,更是理性的16年。 To kill the father and enemy, four peasants embark on a trail to pursue a chase, a
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一块小小的丝巾,更加衬托出女性的柔美,如晨曦舒展,如春阳脉脉含情。    三月的济南,万物复苏,也许是因三八妇女节的缘故,天气格外明媚。   早上坐车从市里出发,我与各地市的代表同行。开始,感觉她们有些难以接近,但走近她们,才真正领略到她们的亲和力及职业女性的魅力。最后上车的是烟台市国家税务局副局长(调研员)李瑛,她的出现不由让人眼前一亮,一件漂亮的银灰色小西装外套,清爽妩媚,带着一脸的阳光,大家
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