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严重的慢性氟中毒,除表现氟斑牙及氟骨症外,是否还可能导致儿童、青小年生长发育障碍,目前国内外报导甚少,尚无定论。为探讨这一问题,我们于1986年对我省地方性氟中毒病区金沙县禹谟区高坪乡联合村儿童、青少年生长发育状况进行了调查,现将调查结果报告于下。一般情况金沙是禹谟区高坪乡联合村地处我省西北部产煤地带:全村总人口764人,海拔1560米左右,以玉米为主食。由于该地区气候较为寒冷、潮湿,当地群众室内烧的敞煤灶常年不熄,并普遍有把收获后的玉米、辣椒等食物常年置于 Serious chronic fluorosis, in addition to the performance of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis, whether it may lead to growth disorders in children, adolescents, at home and abroad reported very little, yet to be determined. To explore this issue, we investigated the growth and development of children and adolescents in Lianhe Village, Gaoping Township, Yumi District, a endemic fluorosis district in our province in 1986 and report the findings. General situation Sands is Yumi District Gaoping Township United Village is located in the coal production zone in the northwest of our province: the village a total population of 764 people, about 1560 meters above sea level, with corn as the staple food. As the climate in this area is relatively cold and humid, the open-air stoves burned indoors by the local people will not be extinguished all the year round and perennial food such as corn and peppers will be harvested after harvest
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◎“三级否定制”,保质又保利  餐饮业经营中,当菜品质量出现问题,被顾客退回,不仅收不到钱、赔了材料费,还损害了餐馆声誉,得罪了顾客。每每遇到这种情况,让经营者最棘手的是采购、厨师、理菜员相互推诿。某餐馆经营者在实践中摸索出一套行之有效的办法——“三级否定制”。采购部经理否决供货商,厨师否决采购部经理,大堂经理否决厨师。采购部采购的货有问题,被厨师否定以后,由采购部经理“埋单”,厨师的手艺有问题,
  The eddy covariance technique using openpath gas analyzer is the only direct measurement technique of the airsea gas flux.However,the greatest difficulties
  Atmospheric mineral dust has been considered as one of the major sources of Fe to the surface water in the western subarctic North Pacific.Natural Fe(III) c
  The metabolic state of the Atlantic Ocean subtropical gyres is a matter of debate.Measurements of instantaneous oxygen production and respiration rates by b
渝北区果经站1993年从外地引进森尾早生、解放钟、华宝3号、太城4 Fruit Station in Yubei District in 1993 from the introduction of Sen Mei early life, Liberation Be