Plasmonic coupling-enhanced in situ photothermal nanoreactor with shape selective catalysis for C-C

来源 :纳米研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fly8468
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Carbon-carbon (C-C) coupling reactions represent one of the most powerful tools for the synthesis of complex natural products,bioactive molecules developed as drugs and agrochemicals.In this work,a multifunctional nanoreactor for C-C coupling reaction was successfully fabricated via encapsulating the core-shell Cu@Ni nanocubes into ZIF-8 (Cu@Ni@ZIF-8).In this nanoreactor,Ni shell of the core-shell Cu@Ni nanocubes was the catalytical active center,and Cu core was in situ heating source for the catalyst by absorbing the visible light.Moreover,benefiting from the plasmonic resonance effect between Cu@Ni nanocubes encapsulated in ZIF-8,the absorption range of nanoreactor was widened and the utilization rate of visible light was enhanced.Most importantly,the microporous structure of ZIF-8 provided shape-selective of reactant.This composite was used for the highly shape-selective and stable photocatalysed C-C coupling reaction of boric acid under visible light irradiation.After five cycles,the nanoreactor still remained high catalytical activity.This Cu@Ni@ZIF-8 nanoreactor opens a way for photocatalytic C-C coupling reactions with shape-selectivity.
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