
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaixiaoliyanqiong
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The Neutron Wall(NW)is one of the key detectors for the external target experiment of CSRm. There are 36 scintillator units and 216 sampling calorimeter units which are arranged in 14 layers.The de- tector modules are parallel arranged in each layer and perpendicular to the neighboring layers.The size of scintillator bar is 1 440(length)XS0(width)X80(thickness)mm~3 and that of the calorimeter unit is 1 500 (length)×80(width)×70(thickness)mm~3. The Neutron Wall (NW) is one of the key detectors for the external target experiment of CSRm. There are 36 scintillator units and 216 sampling calorimeter units which are arranged in 14 layers. The modules are parallel arranged in each layer and perpendicular the thickness of the scintillator bar is 1 440 (length) XS0 (width) X80 (thickness) mm ~ 3 and that of the calorimeter unit is 1 500 (length) × 80 (width) × 70 ~ 3.
Fig.1 shows neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emission(n/p)_(nucl)at freeze out of time as a function of beam energy E_b for two couples of reactions:~6He+~9Be,~6
在全球投入产出模型框架下,测算澜湄流域制造业生产阶段数,并对影响澜湄流域制造业生产分割程度的因素进行实证分析.结论 为:澜湄流域制造业生产阶段数整体上呈上升趋势,生产
The paper explores the concept of integrative medicine(IM) in relation to complementary and alternative medicine(CAM).It contrasts IM available in China to its
Beijing Radioactive Ion-beam Facilities (BRIF) project is in progress. The preliminary engineering design of BRIF has been finished. The working drawing design