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他来自伟人邓小平的故乡——四川广安,刚巧与伟人一样属龙。他常说,邓小平是我最崇拜的人。二十几年前,债务缠身的他砍了自家一棵树,拖到街上卖了9块2毛钱后南下广州打工,紧接着“有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈,奇迹般地崛起座座城”;二十几年后,他“圈”里栽“树”收获了一片“森林”。他是一个仅读过四年书的老板,脸上永远是朴实而憨厚的笑容,冬去春来,成功突破自身知识局限和思维定式,居然创造出来一个以高科技为主打、年销售额上亿的集团企业。他的成功,在传统经济时代已可称得上是一个奇迹,而在新经济时代则更称得上是奇迹中的奇迹。从打工仔到亿万富豪,关于他的的传说多不胜数。有人说他是天才的经营者,有人说他是出川入粤蛇变龙,有人说他是打工皇帝,有人说他是惠州一个无解的秘密,说他是奇才、怪才、鬼才,还有人说他侧着头睡觉,一只耳朵听天一只耳朵听地……他,就是“中国第一打工仔”刘延林。 He came from the hometown of great man Deng Xiaoping - Guang’an, Sichuan, just like a great man who is a dragon. He often said that Deng Xiaoping is one of my most admired people. Twenty years ago, he borrowed his own tree from a debt-ridden company and dragged down the street and sold nine 2-cents workers to work in the south before going to Guangzhou. “An old man drew a circle around the South China Sea, Miraculously rise in the seat of the city ”; twenty years later, he “ circle ”planted “ tree ”harvest a “ forest ”. He is a boss who has only read books for four years. His face is always simple and honest, his face is spring and winter, and his breakthrough in his own knowledge and style of thinking has succeeded. He has even created a technology-based high-tech company with annual sales of billions Group companies. His success can be described as a miracle in the traditional economic era, and miracles in the new economic era. From wage earners to billionaires, there are numerous legends about him. Some people say he is a talented manager, some people say he is out of Sichuan into Guangdong snakes change the dragon, some people say he is a working emperor, some people say he is a mystery in Huizhou, saying he was a Wizards, geeks, ghosts, and people He said he nodded to sleep, one ear to listen to one day listening to heaven ... ... He is “China’s first wage earners ” Liu Yanlin.
身高:1.85米体重:97公斤年龄:33岁出生地:密歇根州,弗林特市童年的英雄:舒格·雷·伦纳德。在奥运会后的一个月,我见到了他,那 Height: 1.85 m Weight: 97 kg Age: 33 Plac
云南没有海,却有不少的江:金沙江、澜沧江、南盤江、红河、怒江、大盈江等6大干流及其68条支流,河道里程共14200余公里。大小湖泊30多个,大中型水库90余座。 There is no s