Langevin Treatment of Atomic Coherence Effect on Hybrid Erbium doped Fiber Amplification

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qncy1235i
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The effects of atomic coherence on hybrid erbium doped fiber amplifier (HEDFA) pumped simultaneously by two diode lasers with different frequencies are studied by using Langevin quantum theory. The expressions of coherence and incoherence gain are derived. The theoretical results show that HEDFA has a near flat bandwidth response from 1531 to 1568 nm and large coherence gain under the conditions of low temperature and small detuning. The effects of atomic coherence on hybrid erbium doped fiber amplifier (HEDFA) pumped simultaneously by two diode lasers with different frequencies were studied by using Langevin quantum theory. The expressions of coherence and incoherence gain are derived. The theoretical results show that HEDFA has a near flat bandwidth response from 1531 to 1568 nm and large coherence gain under the conditions of low temperature and small detuning.
江西抚州临川宜黄县东陂镇的黄柏岭村,山峦叠嶂、满目葱茏、风光秀丽。在“红一方面军总部会议旧址”不远处的横排村小组内,住着108岁高龄的“健康老人”邓菊秀老婆婆。  邓菊秀除了有点耳背外,其他一切都好,能吃能睡,眼神也好,还能穿针引线,生活完全能够自理。老人长寿的秘诀,归纳起来主要有以下五点:  勤劳是长寿的基石。邓菊秀称自己是“天生劳碌命”,是个闲不住的人,如果一天不做事,就会坐立不安。70多岁时
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