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科斯定理著名经济学家科斯于本世纪30年代开始研究产权问题,他是百方现代产权理论的奠基者和主要代表。他认为,交易成本是运用价格机制的成本,这一成本包含两方面内容:一是发现贴切价格,获得准确市场信息的成本,二是谈判与履约成本。如果没有企业制度,每一要素所... Coase theorem The famous economist Coase began to study property rights in the 1930s, he is the founder and main representative of the modern theory of property rights. He believes that the transaction cost is the cost of using the price mechanism, the cost includes two aspects: First, find the appropriate price, access to accurate market information costs, the second is the cost of negotiation and compliance. If there is no enterprise system, every factor ...
印度有近6亿的活跃手机用户——平均每两人就有一部手机。印度的手机资费位列全球最低地区,该国还拥有一家土生土长的世界级运营商——巴蒂电信(Bharti Airtel)。事实上,印度
To investigate the phenotypic knockout of HIV-1 chemokine coreceptor CXCR4 and CCR5 by intrakines and its inhibitory effect on HIV-1 infection. Primary human PB
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为了使公众全面、及时了解到2007年“好运北京”26项体育赛事的进展情况和相关信息,其官方赛事网站(www.goodluckbeijing.com.cn)将于3月12日正式开通。 In order to make t
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