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  ◆Fragile Spider易碎的蜘蛛
  First of all, unless you are allergic to tarantula venom, they are harmless to humans (though they pack a painful bite). Some tarantulas can also shoot the "hairs" off their legs which can pierce human skin and cause great discomfort. Now -- back to the weird fact. Tarantulas have an exoskeleton (that means its skeleton is on the outside) like crayfish and crabs. They shed their exoskeleton regularly -- normally by lying on their back. (When they are shedding their skeleton, it is a good idea to keep right away from them as they will attack due to their vulnerable state.) Because the exoskeleton is very fragile, if a tarantula is dropped from a low height, it will shatter and die.
  ◆Shaking Leaves 会摇动的叶子
  The Telegraph plant is a tropical plant usually found in Asia -- but also in the South Pacific. The plant has the amazing ability to shake its leaves(which rotate on their axis and jerk up and down). There are a few other plants with rapid movement abilities but this is the most bizarre and least known. It should be noted that when we refer to "rapid" in relation to plants -- it is not super fast -- but it is definitely visible with the naked eye.
  舞草是一种产于亚洲的热带植物——南太平洋也有。这种植物有着近乎神奇的能力使它的叶片摇动,(叶片围绕其茎轴旋转并上下震摇)。很少有其他植物有这种快速摇动枝叶的能力,但舞草是最神奇且不为人所知。应当指出的是,我们提到的植物枝叶“快速”摇动——它的速度不是真的很快——只是我们能用肉眼看到而已。Weird Fact: The telegraph plant is capable of rapid movement -- even in the absence of wind.
  怪异的事实: 舞草能在没有风的情况下快速摇动。
  Weird Fact: Horses can't see directly in front of themselves.
  怪异的事实: 不能直观看到眼前事物的马。
  ◆Blind Horses 盲马
  A horse has considerably wide vision (and the largest eyes of any land mammal) -- being able to see a total field of up to 350 degrees. Horses have two blind spots -- the first is directly in front of them and the other is directly behind their head. As far as seeing details, horses are red color blind and have vision of 20/33 (compared to a perfect human vision of 20/20)
  ◆Miracle Mice不可思议的小老鼠
  During the summer months, mice will generally live outside and remain contended there. But as soon as the weather begins to cool, they seek the warmth of our homes. Because of their soft skulls and gnawing ability, a hole the size of a ballpoint pen (6mm - 1/4 inch) is large enough for them to enter enmasse. Once inside, they will constantly gnaw at virtually anything -- including concrete, lead, and plastic. This is to keep their ever-growing teeth at a convenient length. Mice can jump up to 46cm (18 inches), swim, and travel vertically or upside-down. To mouse proof your house, check all small openings with a ballpoint pen -- if it fits the hole, it will let mice in.   在夏季里,老鼠一般会出来活动,四处争食。但随着天气的慢慢降温,它们就会到我们温暖的房子里来寻求栖息之地。由于它们的头骨很软与啃咬能力较强,一个圆珠笔大小的洞(六毫米——1/4英寸长)就足够它们钻进去。一旦进入,他们就会不断地咬嚼一切东西,包括混凝土、铅、塑料等。啃咬东西是为了使它们的牙齿生长能达到合适的长度。小老鼠的跳跃距离可达46cm(18英寸),它们会游泳,能直立或倒着行走。要使你的房子里没有小老鼠,用圆珠笔来检查下所有的小洞,如果圆珠笔能放进去的话,那小老鼠就可能钻进去。
  Weird Fact: A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ballpoint pen.
  怪异的事实: 能钻进圆珠笔洞大小的老鼠。
  ◆Killer Swans杀人天鹅
  Next time you are feeding the beautiful swans and want to give one a nice pat on the back -- don't do it! Swans are very protective of their young and will use their incredibly powerful wings to fend off dogs (and sometimes humans). They have a wing span of around 2.75 meters (9 feet). In 2001, a young man in Ireland had his leg broken by a swan when he was trying to provoke it. The following year another person had their arm broken.
  Weird Fact: A swan can break a man's arm.
  怪异的事实: 能弄断人手臂的天鹅。
1.B 如果(做)某事让一个人感觉非常开心和愉快,就可以用这个成语来形容。比如说公园里面的孩子们玩得非常开心就是 Look at those kids in the park there - they're having a whale of a time! 注意人称和系动词要一致,也就是I/he/she/we/they/you is/are having a whale of a time. 
在电影《功夫之王》中,李冰冰扮演的白发魔女不仅功夫了得,英文也说得超级棒。关于李冰冰的“功夫”魅力,之前我们已经领略一二,但她的英文魔力来自哪里,是个谜。李冰冰给出的谜底却一点没有噱头,就是“能力有限,努力无限”。再通俗点说就是下功夫才能有魔力。生活中的李冰冰不是“白发魔女”,而是那种为了干成一件事着魔的人。  因为《功夫之王》,她对英文着了魔。现在,李冰冰的英文说得是Impressive(令人钦
一、基础秘累与巩固    阅读下面的材料,按要求回答1-4题  《孤独之旅》这篇文章通过描写杜小康随父亲放鸭所经历的一系列事件和情感历程,刻画了一个少年心理成长,揭示了挫( )折能促进入迅速地成熟这一道理。小说标题“孤独之旅”的含义___指杜小康跟随父亲放鸭过程中产生的孤独、寂寞( )、恐慌之感,_____杜小康心灵的变化过程,______孤独、寂寞、恐慌到坚强,自己努力奋斗的人生之旅。    “
湖南卫视举办的“超级女声”到今年已经是第三届了,伴随着连续三年的“超女”,除了争议不断的参赛选手、疯狂的粉丝,以及丰厚的短信收入,还有一个最熟悉的陌生“词”,这个词就是“PK”!!  ●之所以说它“熟悉”  ——从04年至今的“超女”,“PK”这个词在每一场比赛中都会出现,而且频率很高,“PK”更是赛事最为紧张的环节之一,所以大家不但对这个词熟悉,而且印象深刻。如果要评选年度最热门词汇,“PK”想
加减乘除,算不尽您的奉献!诗词歌赋,颂不完对您的崇敬!您用知识的甘露,浇开我们理想的花朵;您用心灵的清泉,孕育我们情操的美果。在这不寻常的节日里,献上我们深深的祝福!  每年,我把第一缕春光和贺卡一起寄给您,我亲爱的老师,愿春天永远与您同在!  阳光普照,园丁心坎春意暖;雨露滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红——祝您教师节愉快!  您是园丁,为祖国山川添秀色;您如春雨,孕育桃李,神州大地尽芳菲。在这喜庆的节日里
九月  九月,如期而至。  世界因此灿烂。  我们歌唱九月,  因为这是您永恒的节日。  我们牢记九月,  因为这是我们真诚的表白。  九月,是只情满四溢的杯子,  我们用双手高高地举起  一片真诚的祝福声中,  请您干杯!  九月的乐章已经奏响,  请接受我们九月的献礼吧,  所有拼搏在教育战线的老师们!
在平时的生活学习当中,有很多旋转的例子,你能解答它吗?  1 (1)钟表的时针与分针每分钟各转多少度角?每5分钟各转多少度角?    “注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”。
成长的路上,我们越来越渴望独立,与父母的摩擦争执也会日渐增多.我们该如何处理与父母之间的矛盾呢?    “注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”。
He turns 80 this year, but you'd never know it by looking at him. Mickey Mouse is still as sprightly as ever, with not even a laugh line to show his age. Mickey's come a long way since his turn as a d
老编有话  情由事发,景为情生,只有真实的事,真实的情才会感人至胜。巴金曾说:“艺术的最高境界是无技巧。”用白描的手法直陈其事,娓娓叙说,无拘无束,朴素无华,但情感却奔涌其间。这种寓深沉于平淡,注炽热于静穆,倾真情于笔端的作法,正是文章富有魅力、扣人心弦的功力所在。请读下面美文: